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I say, this business will create a fearful sensation, sheriff. The Four Hundred will have a conniption fit." "We've got to land that girl, whoever she is," grated the official. "Now that we know who he is, it shouldn't be hard to pick out the women he's been trailing with lately. Then we can sift 'em down until the right one is left. It ought to be easy."

Prudence uttered a surprised squeak, like a mouse being stepped on, jerked herself to a half-standing posture, and the potatoes rolled to every point of the compass. "Goodness gracious gallop!" she ejaculated, quite shaken out of her usual calm. "I should think, Ira, as many times as I've told you that scares me most into a conniption, that you'd signal me when you're going to take snuff.

"No doubt of that," said the Panther. "When we go to roarin' an' rippin' an' t'arin' we must know what we're about. But come on, boys, all that red in the Alamo gives me conniption fits." They rode toward the east for a long time until they thought they were beyond the reach of Mexican skirmishing parties, and then they slept in a cypress thicket, Smith and Karnes standing guard by turns.

Here Abby knocked at the door, and, showing a rather forbidding face around it, said that Hallie was down-stairs; but that if I was going to have any more conniption fits I would better stay where I was. She left a glass of milk and a clean tucker and sleeves on my chair. I swallowed the milk, and hurried into my clothes, but I descended rather slowly to the hall.

Court will have a regular conniption fit." "Oh, Landry," murmured Laura. "Where are you going to live, Laura? Here? My word, child, don't be afraid to tell me I must pack. Why, bless you." "No, no," exclaimed Laura, energetically, "you are to stay right here. We'll talk it all over just as soon as I know more decidedly what our plans are to be. No, we won't live here. Mr.

'Go on and write books, Sam, for no man is better skilled in human natur and spares it less than yourself. What a reproachful look she gave me then! 'Good bye, dear! "Well, when I closed the door, and was opening of the outer one, I heard a crash. I paused a moment, for I knew what it was. She had fainted and fell into a conniption fit. "'Sam, sais I to myself, 'shall I go back?

But we sit in the warm cabaret, devilishly proud of ourselves. We're a part of the gang that stays awake when the stars are out. And the elfin-faced one cuts loose. Attaboy, girlie! Legs shooting through the tobacco smoke. Eyes like drunken birds. A banjo body playing jazz capers on the air. It ain't art. But who the devil wants art? What we want are conniption fits.

Yo' done frighten me inter a conniption fit if yo' hollers dat way." Here he rounded the turn himself and almost bumped into Jack. Even the darkey's volubility was stilled at the sight before them. A great part of the wall of the crevasse the wall which they had hoped to climb, had broken off and fallen into the gulf.

"Do you know," she said confidentially to her cousin, "that when that brown Conchita thought to please Aunty by wearing white stockings instead of going round as usual with her cinnamon-colored bare feet in yellow slippers which I was afraid would be enough to send Aunty into conniption fits she actually told her, very quietly, to take them off, and dress according to her habits and her station?

They must keep up with the styles, the latest fashions, for to be "out of fashion," "a back number," gives them "a conniption fit." An out-of-date hat, or shirt-waist, jacket, coat, skirt, or shoe humiliates and distresses them more than would a violation of the moral law provided it were undetected. To these, my worrying friends, I continually put the question: Is it worth while?