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Became chaplain to Archbishop Sancroft in 1688, and then rector of Chartham. Wrote "A Treatise on the Celibacy of the Clergy;" "The Enthusiasm of the Church of Rome demonstrated in the Life of Ignatius Loyola;" "A Defence of Pluralities;" "Specimen of Errors in Burnet's 'History of the Reformation;" "Anglia Sacra, sive Collectio Historiarum;" and "History of Archbishop Laud."

That month of November saw him master absolute wherever he was and he used his power autocratically. At Huy, he had a number of prisoners executed. At Louvain, at Brussels, he gave fresh examples of his relentlessness as an overlord. Amplissima Collectio, ed. E. Martene, iv. Rerum Leodiensim. Opus Adriani de Veteri Busco, p. 1343. This also appears in Excerpta ex Amelgardi.

The latter was the work of a certain Bartollomeo. It is really the text published originally in the "Collectio Chirurgica Veneta" of 1546, of which the preface says: "His acceserunt Rogerii ac Guil.

There are traditions of his having taught for a while at Paris and at the University of Montpellier, though these are not substantiated. His book was printed at Venice in 1546, and has been lately reprinted by De Renzi in his "Collectio Salernitana."

The writings, which are numerous, have been collected by De Renzi. "And dissections of the bodies of swine As likest the human form divine." Golden Legend. S. de Renzi: Collectio Salernitana, 5 vols., Naples, 1852-1859; P. Giacosa: Magistri Salernitani, Turin, 1901.

In the ancient chronicle of Salerno, re-discovered by De Renzi and published in his "Collectio Salernitana," it is definitely recorded that the medical school was founded by four doctors, a Jewish Rabbi Elinus, a Greek Pontus, a Saracen Adala, an Arab, and a native of Salerno, each of whom lectured in his native language.

But Ferias in Advent, and in Lent, in Passiontide, Paschal time and September Ember days have proper antiphons. Feasts have antiphons from proper or from common. Etymology, meaning and synonyms. It is found in every Hour, except Matins. It is known by other names, the summarium, collectio, collatio, lectio brevis, epistoletto, lectiuncula, Versiculus brevis. Antiquity.