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"You say it mighty cold-bloodedly," he asserted. "Where did it happen?" "Here, I believe. Almost where we are standing." "Good God! Who was it?" "Young chap, named Parmalee." "What? The boy who's been in the papers so much lately who disgraced himself, and his people, for a woman?"

Cold-bloodedly we decided that University work would give us that opportunity, and the long vacations would give us our mountains. The work itself made its strong appeal, too.

And yet, cold-bloodedly to expose him and pluck the clothing from a passion dear to think of only when it is profoundly secret struck her as an extreme baseness, of which not even the woman who perused and reperused his letters could be guilty. Her head rang with some of the lines, and she accused her head of the crime of childishness, seeing that her heart was not an accomplice.

I can't stand this." Her calmness was getting on his nerves; she seemed to have determined just how far she meant to go, to have fixed cold-bloodedly a limit. In her happy young beauty and radiant coolness she summed up that sane consistent something existing in nine out of ten of the people Shelton knew.

My companion rose and, throwing gay glances at some of the other girls, she walked over to the piano and seated herself. Then, with some more smiles at the girls, she cold-bloodedly attacked the keyboard "A nauctourrn by Chopin," her mother explained to me in an audible whisper across the room

He now called the attention of the Rebel Congress to President Lincoln's two Proclamations of Emancipation, early in January of 1863; and that Body responded by adopting, on the 1st of May of that year, a Resolution, the character of which was so cold-bloodedly atrocious, that modern Civilization might well wonder and Christianity shudder at its purport.

I remember his story of how, about the end of the second day of bread and sardines, he cold-bloodedly and with aforethought cultivated a man opposite him, who looked as if he could afford to eat; and how the man "came through" and asked Carl if he would have dinner with him in the diner. To hear him tell what and how much he ordered, and of the expression and depression of the paying host!

And then he laughed the three of them laughed, if laughter it might be called that was laughter without sound or facial movement. The eyes alone laughed, mirthlessly and cold-bloodedly. Certainly Mr. Pike was not enjoying himself with these baffling personalities. He turned upon the leader, the one who had given the warning and who looked the admixture of all that was Mediterranean and Semitic.

"Believe me, it is not complicated; and men marry widows sometimes." "You are shocking," she said, turning on him with a flush to her cheek and an angry glitter in her eye. "How dare you speak so cold-bloodedly and thoughtlessly?" "I am not cold-blooded or thoughtless, nor yet shocking. I only speak what is in my mind with my usual crudeness.

He thought the matter over cold-bloodedly, as a merchant might consider some commercial proposition which is put before him. He had learnt that Odette Rider was in London in a nursing home, as the result of a set of curious circumstances.