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That isn't what you were going to say, I know; but it is what is going to happen. Mr. Colbrith, it's the chance of a century for the Pacific Southwestern company, and you are deliberately trying to fire the one man who can make the most of it." The president's lack of sense of humor made it hard for him at times. He was sitting very erect in the straight-backed hotel chair when he said: "Mr.

Do you attach any particular importance to the president's trip over the extension?" Leckhard shook his head. "I'm only a passenger I see what goes by the car-windows. Mr. Colbrith was dead set on pushing over to the end-of-track wouldn't even wait for daylight. You probably know him better than I do " "He is my uncle," Adair cut in. "Oh; then I can't tell you anything about him.

It was Miss Alicia who told the secretary that he was not needed. "Mr. Colbrith was very tired, and he has gone to bed," she said; and Penfield, still pallid and curiously unready of speech, said he believed he'd go, too. Ford got up when Penfield had disappeared in the curtained vestibule leading to the state-rooms.

"Better get back to the car as quickly as you can, before Mr. Colbrith whistles us down to find out what has become of you." Below the camp of the surfacers there were a few miles of better track, and Hector made fair time until the train circled the mountain shoulder at the lower end of the great loop. Beyond this the roughnesses began again, and there were more of the skimped rock cuttings.

"Something like a hundred and ten miles." "Holy smoke! Over a construction track in the night?" "It's the president's order none of mine. Let's get a move." The big man got down from his box and made room for Ford. "I'll be pilin' 'em in the ditch somewhere, as sure as my name's Bill Hector," he said. "But we'll go, all the same, if he says so. I've pulled Mr. Colbrith before.

Frisbie read the letter again. "'So that all heads of departments may be on duty when the president makes his annual inspection trip over the lines," he quoted. "Is Mr. Colbrith coming out this early in the summer?" "No, of course not. He never comes before August." "Then this is only a trumped-up excuse to make you stay here?" "That's all," Ford replied laconically. Mr.

To pause now was to lose the precious impetus of the start. It was worth something to be whirled away blindly out of the stifling human vortex of the lower city; but Ford's first glimpse of the Colbrith mansion depressed him again. The huge, formal house had once been the country residence of a retired dry-goods merchant.

For one twenty-four-hour day the ex-speculator in Mr. Colbrith held out against the sharp attacks of the reawakened lust of conquest.

"Well, what's the cost to us?" inquired Frisbie, coming down out of the high atmosphere of the superstitious to stand upon the solid earth of railway-building fact. "I don't know: possibly failure. There is no guessing what sort of a scheme North will cook up when he and MacMorrogh get Mr. Colbrith cornered." "Oh, it can't be as bad as that.

Matters were still progressing favorably, and President Colbrith, traveling in his private car, "Nadia," via the Lake Shore, would be in Chicago the following morning to take final action in the stock purchases. Ford gave the message to Kenneth, and the attorney drummed softly on the table with his finger-tips when he read the announcement.