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Just loaded yonder at Douglas, in the Isle of Man neat cogniac real hyson and souchong Mechlin lace, if you want any right cogniac we bumped ashore a hundred kegs last night. 'Really, sir, I am only a traveller, and have no sort of occasion for anything of the kind at present.

"I never got a bandanna, or a bottle of your Cogniac ashore, in my life, that I did not think every man that I passed in the street, could see the spots in the one, or scent the flavor of the other; but then I never supposed this shyness amounted to more than a certain suspicion in my own mind, that other people know when a man is running on an illegal course, I suppose that one of your rectors, who is snugly anchored for life in a good warm living, would call this conscience; but, for my own part, Captain Ludlow, though no great logician in matters of this sort, I have always believed that it was natural concern of mind lest the articles should be seized.

We all beheld the spectacle, silent and petrified! We might have collected the broken fragments of glass, but the brandy! that was gone! clean gone! One little untoward thing often follows another, and while the rest stood musing, chained to the place, regaling themselves with the Cogniac effluvium, and all miserably chagrined, I led the horse to the stable, when a fresh perplexity arose.

"May I offer you a cup of coffee," said Monsieur Derigny to me, as I came up, at the same time filling it out, and pushing over a little flask of Cogniac towards me. A look from Trevanion decided my acceptance of the proferred civility, and I seated myself in the chair beside the baron.

Nor shall we mislead the reader with any notions of fine-flavoured Havana segars; pipes, with Virginia cut, being the materials employed in the indulgence. A little excellent Cogniac and water, in which however the spring was not as much neglected, as in the orgies related in the previous chapter, moistened their lips, from time to time, giving a certain zest and comfort to their enjoyments.

Just loaded yonder at Douglas, in the Isle of Man neat cogniac real hyson and souchong Mechlin lace, if you want any right cogniac we bumped ashore a hundred kegs last night. 'Really, sir, I am only a traveller, and have no sort of occasion for anything of the kind at present.

"Tousand donner no; I'm all in the way of fair trade just loaded yonder at Douglas, in the Isle of Man neat cogniac real hyson and souchong Mechlin lace, if you want any Right cogniac We bumped ashore a hundred kegs last night." "Really, sir, I am only a traveller, and have no sort of occasion for anything of the kind at present." Dirk Hatteraick knows how to be civil."

Their inquiries were business-like and familiar: "are ye, Jorrocks?" cried one, holding out both hands. "How are ye, my lad of wax? Do you still play billiards? Give you nine, and play you for a Nap." "Come to my house this evening, old boy, and take a hand at whist for old acquaintance sake," urged the friend on his left; "got some rare cogniac, and a box of beautiful Havannahs."

I had to promise him to do my best, and go to work at once; as we had a good store of all kinds of intoxicating liquors on board, I could choose what I pleased. I mixed together, Bordeaux, Madeira, Rum, Arrac, Geneva, Cogniac, and Porter; dissolved in it half a hat-full of sugar and threw in about two dozen oranges, and as many sweet lemons.

Allan, just laced with two teaspoonfuls of cogniac, and reinforced with various slices from a huge round of beef. He had a kind of feeling that he could eat twice as much, and speak twice as much, with this good dame and Barnes as with the grand folk in the parlour.