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And this was the same lady who so vehemently stood up for Gleason in the days when he was her devotee before she discovered that poker had attractions for him before which her own could but "pale their ineffectual fires. Tantæne animis coelestibus iræ?" If it wasn't Gleason, then, who was it? That was what the ladies demanded to know, Mrs. Turner and Mrs.

Against these we wrestle, and "against spiritual wickedness in coelestibus," that is, in the air; or we fight against spiritual wickedness in heavenly things. Think you not that this our enemy, this prince with all his potentates, hath great and sore assaults to lay against our armour?

Mirabilis est ergo Deus maxime in illo, quod ipse solus sufficit sibi: et mirabilis in altis Dominus, hoc est, in coelo et in coelestibus: sed et mirabilis in terris, et in terrestribus: tamen si verum indicauerimus, nihil est mirabile, quod mirum videri non debet, si ille qui omnipotens est, fecit quaecunque voluit in coelo et in terra.

Having reduced his doctrine to six books, he published them under the title of "De Revolutionibus Coelestibus," at the instance of the Cardinal of Capua, and of the Bishop of Culma; and, since he undertook the task at the order of Pope Leo X., he dedicated the work to his successor Paul III., and it was received by the Holy Church and studied by all the world.

Then he would urge on his old horse, and gnash his teeth; and then, again, he would be ashamed. "Tantaene animis coelestibus irae?" But Thoroughbung rode home high in spirits, very proud, and conscious of having done good work. He was always anxious to stand well with the hunt generally, and was aware that he had now distinguished himself.

Bartholomew's for stone and gravel some weeks before, and on the 3rd of August, 1711, set his mark to an account of himself, when he expected to fall asleep on the fifth of August, two days later. His account was also signed by 'William Hill, Sen. No. No. 185. Tuesday, October 2, 1711. Addison. ... Tantaene Animis coelestibus Irae? Virg.

I am not to presume to dispute her sentence, or doubt a lady's perfect sincerity in wishing never to see me again; but yet I think I shall try to pacify the 'tantas in animis coelestibus iras. "If a woman hates you, it is only her love turned wrong side out, and you may turn it back with due care.

That foeman was worthier his celestial steel. "Turn homeward, angel, now, and melt with ruth!" Not his to do vengeance on the man Walter Tyrrel. Not his to play the divine part of vindicator. In his madness even Trevennack was magnanimous. Leave the creature to the torment of his own guilty soul. Do angels care for thrusts of such as he? Tantaene animis coelestibus irae?

"I tell you, Estelle, I am neither blind nor exactly in my dotage, and that girl has no more intention of " The door opened, and Mr. Murray came in. Glancing round the room, and observing the sudden silence his mother's flushed cheeks and angry eyes, his cousin's lurking smile, he threw himself on the sofa, saying: "Tantoene animis coelestibus iroe?