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Co-owner and Director of many business enterprises: The Omega and Energy Air-Conditioning Concern AVP Financial Consultants Handiman Legal Services Total annual turnover of the group: 10 million USD. Co-owner, Director and Finance Manager of COSTI Ltd. Israel's largest computerized information vendor and developer.

Despite the mauling he had received, Frank wanted to go and inspect his beloved airplane at once and Bob, the co-owner with him, was equally eager. Jack, however, protested. "No, sir," said he firmly, "you are in no condition to go chasing off down this rocky slope. The airplane isn't going to fly away. It's in a pocket in the hills that nobody is going to discover.

It had a heart on it, drawn in pencil. When he got home, he taped it over the mantel. Myron read through the application the next day and tapped his desktop slowly. "The co-owner," he said, "will have full privileges." "Right." "If she calls and identifies herself and says, "Myron, sell everything and send me a check," that's what I'll do." "Right." "Very good," Myron said dubiously.

Founder and co-owner of a chain of computerized information kiosks in Tel-Aviv, Israel. 1982 to 1985 Chief Analyst of Edible Commodities in the Group's Headquarters in Switzerland. Manager of the Research and Analysis Division Manager of the Data Processing Division Project Manager of The Nigerian Computerized Census Vice President in charge of RND and Advanced Technologies