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Such a poem would not be accorded much praise nowadays, but the hearts of her friends regarded the sentiments more than the polish, as a substantial translation into English will serve to show appeared in the lines: Clusine who from our earliest ken Had from all good and honest men Love and esteem a generous share: Who knew so well the season when Her heritage of sense so rare To use with justice and with care: Who in her discourse, friends enchanted all-around, Could fashion out of playful ware An alloy of enduring wear, Good breeding and with solid ground, A heavenly spirit wise and fair, With truth and intellect profound, Clusine, thanks be to Heaven, her perfect health has found.

On one occasion she had withdrawn from her friends for a single evening, pleading indisposition. The next evening she reappeared and her return was celebrated by an original poem written by no less a personage than the Abbé Regnier-Desmarais, who read it to the friends assembled around her chair: "Clusine qui dans tous les temps Eut de tous les honnêtes gens L'amour et l'estime en partage: Qui toujours pleine de bon sens Sut de chaque saison de l'âge Faire

The first historical appearance of the Gauls is at Clusium, whither a noble Clusine is said to have invited them for the purpose of taking vengeance on his native city. Whether this account is true, however, must remain undecided, and if there is any truth in it, it is more probable that the offended Clusine went across the Apennines and fetched his avengers.