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Jabez didn't boast quite so loud now, and I wuz glad to see that Rosy kinder cuddled up closter to Royal as she wielded the dipper, as if she thought him a refuge in time of storm. Well, from that time, about three in the afternoon, till ten P.M. the programmy wuz stidy over and over.

He seed two men come out of Schroeder's back door and meet one man standing at the gate. When they got closter he knowed Pearson by his wooden leg and the master by his hat. On cross-examination he was a little confused when asked why he hadn't told of it before, but said that he was afraid to say much, bekase the folks was a-talkin' about hanging the master, and he didn't want no lynchin'.

An' then agin, I didn't know whether you could stan' it here after livin' in a city all your life. I watched ye putty close closter 'n you knowed of, I guess.

They got to come closter than that or that skirt won't meet on me by an inch and to think twenty-fours was loose on me onct! Wait a minute!" A startled look came in Mrs. Terriberry's bulging eyes. "I thought I felt somethin' give inside of me don't take much to cave a rib in sometimes." "More?" "Yep; these things have gotta meet if I have to hitch the 'bus team onto 'em."

As the allies retreated the French rushed forward, and made a bold push for the Electorate of our gracious monarch in Hanover, threatening that they would occupy it; as they had done before, when D'Estrees beat the hero of Culloden, the gallant Duke of Cumberland, and caused him to sign the capitulation of Closter Zeven.

West, beside himself with rage, swung on the little man and straddled forward a step or two threateningly. "You done said it," answered the old-timer, falling back. "An' don't you come closter. I'm liable to get scared, an' you'd ought not to forget I'm as big as you behind a six-shooter." "Here they come like a swarm o' bees!" yelled Barney.

It wuz a impressive monument and rousted up more emotions in me than any that I see in Berlin. Well, we didn't stay long in Prussia, for the cords that wuz drawin' us home tightened from day to day, the children and Philury drawin' them cords closter ever and anon with long and loving letters, and we hastened on to Hamburg.

Rose Mary was sharply recalled and sent into the house to complete the arrangements for the festivities, when she had followed the forker down by the lilac hedge, rake in hand, with evident intention of being of great assistance in the gardening of the amateur. "Pull the dirt up closter around those bleeding-hearts, Tucker," commanded Miss Lavinia from her rocker.

But Oi'm thinkin' niver befoor was Oi closter to th' roight place at th' roight toime thin a minit agone. "Whisky is made to be dhrank fer a pastime av enj'ymint not alone wid a laugh loike that. Ye've got th' crayther on th' run, but ye must give no quarter. Battles is won not in th' thruse, but in th' foightin'.

It begin, 'Oft in the stilly night' like that." Charley stiffened. It was the song Kathleen sang for him the night they became engaged. "It is a good voice-that. I see her face, for there is a candle on the piano. I come close and closter to the house. There is big maple-trees I am well hid. A man is beside her. He lean hover her an' put his hand on her shoulder. 'Sing it again, Kat'leen, he say.