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'Sonnez vos trompettes, et je vais faire sonner mes cloches, or to the Von Erlachs, a family that has headed so many resistances to oppression and invasion, for five centuries?" "All this is very true," returned Sir George, "and yet I confess it is not the way in which it is usual with us to consider American society."

"Thirty-nine days!" exclaimed Gaterna. "You should say a hundred and thirty-nine!" And in a voice like a husky clarinet the actor struck up the well-known air from the Cloches de Corneville: "I thrice have been around the world." Adding, for the baron's benefit: "He will not do the half."

It was in Birmingham that Ashton, Leslie's understudy, sang the tenor's music instead of her own in the first act of the Cloches: and poor So-and-so, who was playing the Grenicheux how he did look when he heard his B flat go off! 'Flat, murmured Montgomery sorrowfully, 'isn't the word. I assure you it loosened every tooth in my head.

'No; she's my wife. 'I beg your pardon, old chap; you know I didn't mean it; and the man disappeared into the bar-room. 'Yes, I'm his wife, Kate shrieked after him. 'I got that much right out of him at least; and I played the Serpolette in the Cloches. "Look at me here, look at me there," she sang, flirting with her abominable skirt, amused by the applause of the roughs.

Adjoining the ballroom, a merry-go-round; which had been the delight of the village urchins all day, appealed for custom by the aid of a barrel-organ on which a woman in a white bodice was playing the waltz from 'Les Cloches de Corneville'. The animation of this fete, in the midst of which Madame Desvarennes suddenly appeared, was a happy diversion from the serious thoughts which beset her.

A fifth, when his ideas are chased to their lair, will rhapsodize endlessly over the charms of the London Gaiety when The Geisha, The Country Girl, and The Circus Girl were in favour; a sixth, it seems, finds his pleasure in Americana, Robin Hood, Wang, The Babes in Toyland, and El Capitan; a seventh becomes maudlin to the most utter degree when you mention Les Cloches de Corneville, or La Mascotte, products of a decadent stage in the history of French opéra-bouffe.

Over the counter she related her successes as Clairette in Madame Angot and Serpolette in Les Cloches de Corneville, and if an incredulous look came into the faces of her guests she sang to them the little ditties, proving by her knowledge of them that all she told them was true.

Without being carried away by illusions, Basilio pretended to believe in them and went on obeying the dictates of his own conscience. That night, while Les Cloches de Corneville was being presented, Basilio was studying at an old table by the light of an oil-lamp, whose thick glass globe partly illuminated his melancholy features.

As for you, Suzanne, you had best go North as far as Oudenarde, so as to circumvent the Captain's brigands on that side. Then make straight for Roubaix, and await me at the 'Hotel des Cloches." "But, Monsieur, I shudder at the very thought of re-entering France." "As Mademoiselle de Bellecour, a proscribed aristocrat, that is every reason for your fears.

The gallery thought she was too fat, the papers said she was not sprightly enough, and on Wednesday night the old Cloches had to be put up. By this failure the management sustained a heavy loss.