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And when both Mr. Robbins and the Mother Bird tried to expostulate, the Dean only laughed at them, brushing their arguments aside. "Why, if I were to turn over everything I own to the clan of Robbins, I could hardly pay back all that Kit has done for me. I'm a new man, Jerry. Sometimes I feel like a prehistoric toad just released from a clay-bank and blinking in the sunlight.

Reaching the clay-bank she stooped and gathered from it, with the aid of a convenient stick, a quantity of the clay which she pressed together in the form of a ball.

That's colts' talk, an' don't you fergit it, Tweezy. An', Marcus,you remember that hem' a philosopher, an' anxious to save trouble, fer you ate, don't excuse you from jumpin' with all your feet on a slack-jawed, crazy clay-bank like Boney here. It's leavin' 'em alone that gives 'em their chance to ruin colts an' kill folks.

"He's powerful gaunted up, yo' war-horse, Bud." "Mighty strength'nin' ploughin' is, but not stimmerlatin'!" "High-strung animal, that clay-bank o' Pink's." Pink's temper was in that state where he enjoyed hugely gibes at his friends' expense, but was in no mood to receive amiably jests directed against himself. "Whar's you-all's horse?" he shouted, in exasperation, to one of his tormentors.

Ralph found that he was to ride the "clay-bank mare," the only one of the horses that would "carry double," and that consequently he would have to take Miss Hawkins behind him. If it had been Hannah instead, Ralph might not have objected to this "young Lochinvar" mode of riding with a lady on "the croup," but Martha Hawkins was another affair.

By the slow action of acidulated waters, the grey limestone deteriorated into a yellowish clay-bank, and now its particles are being re-united into solid rock by the deposit of calcium carbonate from the drip. A careful test of the temperature of the atmosphere showed it to be fifty-eight degrees.

"Nary one of 'em's eaten a mouthful," said Pine, just as a chopper rested from his work to shout, "We'll have enough shingles rived for the roof by the time them fellers gits their wall up;" and another said, "Pine, that there clay-bank by the spring's the very best kind. It's most as good as mortar." "'Tis if you temper it well," said Pine. "Call 'em to breakfast.

The long ears caused her to look mulish, but it was only in appearance; she was a pure mustang when you examined her attentively. She seemed to have been at an earlier period of that dun-yellowish colour known as "clay-bank," a common colour among Mexican horses; but time and scars had somewhat metamorphosed her, and grey hairs predominated all over, particularly about the head and neck.

"Just as we came out into the open field we saw General R. K. Scott, who used to be our Colonel, and who commanded our brigade, come tearing toward us with one or two aids or orderlies. He was on his big clay-bank horse, 'Old Hatchie, as we called him, as we captured him on the battlefield at the battle of 'Matamora, or 'Hell on the Hatchie, as our boys always called it.

After cycles of separation, Puritan and Cavalier united on this clay-bank in the Louisiana Purchase, and swept westward together like the struggle of two great rivers when they meet the waters for a while were dangerous. So Eliphalet was established, among the Puritans, at Miss Crane's. The dishes were to his taste. Brown bread and beans and pies were plentiful, for it was a land of plenty.