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From Morlaix, a carved ivory junk, with Chinamen at the oars, that a strange sailor had brought back as a votive offering for Notre Dame de la Clarte, above Ploumanac'h; from Quimper, an embroidered gown, worked by the nuns of the Assumption; from Rennes, a silver rose that opened and showed an amber Virgin with a crown of garnets; from Morlaix, again, a length of Damascus velvet shot with gold, bought of a Jew from Syria; and for Michaelmas that same year, from Rennes, a necklet or bracelet of round stones emeralds and pearls and rubies strung like beads on a gold wire.

Douee d'une merveilleuse concision qui s'allie a la clarte, il lui suffit d'un mot pour associer plusieurs idees, qui, dans une autre langue, exigeralent des phrases entieres." And no people are more jealous on this very point than the French.

From Morlaix, a carved ivory junk, with Chinamen at the oars, that a strange sailor had brought back as a votive offering for Notre Dame de la Clarté, above Ploumanac'h; from Quimper, an embroidered gown, worked by the nuns of the Assumption; from Rennes, a silver rose that opened and showed an amber Virgin with a crown of garnets; from Morlaix, again, a length of Damascus velvet shot with gold, bought of a Jew from Syria; and for Michaelmas that same year, from Rennes, a necklet or bracelet of round stones emeralds and pearls and rubies strung like beads on a fine gold chain.

"Vous lisez mes livres, un peu sans doute pour faire plaisir au vieux Papa, mais je crois reellement qu'ils vous seront utiles a cause de la simplicite du style et de la clarte que j'ai toujours cherchees. Ces qualites m'ont gagne de nombreux lecteurs, mais en meme temps m'ont prive de toute reputation de profondeur. En Angleterre on classe tous les ecrivains clairs, comme ecrivains superficiels."

Je veux en meme temps reclamer votre indulgence pour son travail, et vous demander de ne pas vous etonner si vous n'y retrouvez ni la clarte de style ni la variete de connaissances qui distinguent votre ami. Ne le lui reprochez pas trop severement, car, s'il est coupable, ce n'est pas de cela.

Quand elle a voulu me convaincre, elle y mettait tant de persuasion et de volonte qu'il me fallait un certain effort pour garder la clarte de mes propres idees. Je te dirai cela plus en detail quand nous nous reverrons. "Lewes m'a dit qu'il serait content d'avoir d'autres articles de moi pour la 'Fortnightly Review." Two days later he wrote: "I dined with the Mackays yesterday; Mr.

It is said that as they were led into the courtyard they turned to salute their "chef muet," a salute which he was brave enough to return, while they went to the block singing Clement Marot's adaptation of the Sixty-seventh Psalm: Dieu nous soit doux et favorable Nous bénissant par sa bonté Et de son visage adorable Nous fasse luire la clarté.

"I hereby christen her Clarte du Soleil." "Which means?" asked Harry, whose French came only in spots. "Sunshine," I told him. "Presumably after the glorious King of the Incas, who calls himself the Child of the Sun. But it's a good name. May Heaven grant that it takes us there!"