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He rowed ashore, secured his dory, and ran to the depot. He climbed aboard the city-bound train just as it began to move. Daylight was beginning to peep through the morning darkness when the Captain threaded his way along the crooked path to the rear of his house. He drew off his boots outside the kitchen door, and tiptoed to his room. Without removing his clothing he threw himself on the bed.

On the special subject of her so-called "Rights" the abstract Woman was, I knew, prodigiously emphatic how emphatic, though, I was not quite aware, until having seen from the top of a City-bound omnibus that a lady whom I will describe by the Aristophanic name of Praxagora would lecture at the Castle Street Co-operative Institute.

"Mistuh Val," she announced from the doorway as the sound of the car pulling out of the drive signaled the departure of the city-bound party, "dem lights is out agin." "Another fuse gone? That's the second this week. Who's been playing games?" he asked. "Dis heah no-'count!"

Jarvis, but, crossing the Strand, mounted a city-bound motor bus and proceeded eastward upon it as far as the Law Courts. Here he dismounted and plunged into that maze of tortuous lanes which dissects the triangle formed by Chancery Lane and Holborn. His step was leisurely, and once he stopped to light his pipe, peering with interest into the shop window of a law stationer.

"Well, just this once," she agreed. "It might be for the last time." "Nothing like that," he assured her. "More you spend, more you make that's my motto." They waited for a city-bound car, sitting again on the bench that was so outspoken. "You furnish the girl, we furnish the home," it shouted. He put his back against several of the bold words and felt of the bracelet-watch in his pocket.

Well, give a place a reputation like that, and you don't need a guard at all, thus Jamieson. And sure enough, late in the afternoon, the two private detectives, accompanied by Mr. Jamieson, walked down the main street of Casanova and took a city-bound train. That they got off at the next station and walked back again to Sunnyside at dusk, was not known at the time.

She would either be too early or too late for Raymond, and so while he paid homage to his code, Joan appeared to make the code unnecessary. And the weather became hotter and moister and the moral and physical fibre of the city-bound became limper. After a week of not seeing each other Joan and Raymond made up for lost time by galloping instead of trotting along.

In fact, I had not been here a week before I heard of Henry G. Surface. Major Brooke speaks of him constantly, Colonel Cowles occasionally. Do you," he asked, "care much about that?" "Well," said Sharlee, gently, "I'm glad my father never knew." From half a mile away, behind the bellying woodland, a faint hoot served notice that the city-bound car was sweeping rapidly toward them.

Look here, Jim! have you and she " He got no further, for Pearson broke away, and, with a hurried "Good night," strode up the platform to meet the city-bound train. Captain Elisha watched it go and then walked slowly homeward, his hands in his pockets, troubled and wondering. He entered the house by the back door, a remnant of South Denboro habit, and found Annie in the kitchen.

There, too, were the members of the classes remaining, but these latter were still in the cadet gray, and would be until the close of their own grad. days. Hurried good-byes were said. Warm handclasps sounded on all sides. Few words were said, but there were many wet eyes. Then some of the grads. raced for the station to board the next city-bound train. Greg remained behind with Dick.