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Of a sudden out walked Ole Curiosity, lookin' as big as a house, with circlin' horns three feet long. The ole feller jumped last; and jest as he jumped I rode out of the woods." Ed eyed the circle of eager faces; his listeners tensed and leaned forward breathlessly. Then he continued: "When the ole ram was about halfway down he seen me. An' what do you reckon he did?"

Them buzzards on the left is circlin' 'round over Sam Kildrake's old paint hoss that killed hisself over-drinkin' on a hot day. You can't see the hoss for that mott of ellums on the creek, but he's thar. Anybody that was goin' to look for Dead Hoss Valley and come across this picture, why, he'd just light off'n his bronco and hunt a place to camp."

Them mares was grazin' right plumb in plain sight of where I'd sent him circlin', an' doggone if he not only couldn't find 'em, but he's lost hisself. An' if he don't show up pretty damn pronto he kin stay lost an' the K 2 will win, at that." The Texan grinned: "Go get your mares, Curt. The short-horn has stampeded.

"They have already done more than could have been expected; but yet I had a hope that the scrimmage would have lasted a bit longer." "Why?" I asked, in surprise. "Because we stand a better chance of circlin' around to where we left Jacob, while the villains have somethin' to keep 'em busy. Now there's no longer any need to fight, they'll likely keep sharper watch.

The way of it was this. The letter-carrier was a friend o' mine. He was goin' his rounds at Kelvedon, in Essex, when a tame raven seized a money letter he had in his hand and flew away with it. After circlin' round the town he alighted, and, before he could be prevented, tore the letter to pieces.

'Gintlemen, he says, 'an' fellow-sinitors, th' time has come, he says, 'whin th' eagle burrud iv freedom, he says, 'lavin', he says, 'its home in th' mountains, he says, 'an' circlin', he says, 'undher th' jool 'd hivin, he says, 'fr'm where, he says, 'th' Passamaquoddy rushes into Lake Erastus K. Ropes, he says, 'to where rowls th' Oregon, he says, 'fr'm th' lakes to th' gulf, he says, 'fr'm th' Atlantic to th' Passific where rowls th' Oregon, he says, 'an' fr'm ivry American who has th' blood iv his ancesthors' hathred iv tyranny in his veins, your ancesthors an' mine, Mr.

Well, I was too put out at first to notice what the bat did after I got him out o' my head, but when I went upstairs I found him circlin' everywhere in a way as took every bit of home feelin' out of the house an' I just saw that I'd have no peace till I could be alone with Elijah again. So I got up an' got a broom an' went a battin' for all I was worth. Well, Mrs.

Two little moons, one shootin' around you three times a day, an' de odder one circlin' around once in five days! Land a' massy! I'll git all turned around up dere!" "Yes, you'll have to be careful, Wash," cautioned Jack. "If you go out for a moonlight walk you may have to come home in the dark." "Den I ain't goin'; an' when I do I'll take a lantern." Mr.

A man severe he was, and stern to view; I knew him well, and every truant knew: Well had the boding tremblers learn'd to trace The day's disasters in his morning face; Full well they laugh'd, with counterfeited glee At all his jokes, for many a joke had he; Full well the busy whisper circlin round Convey'd the dismal tidings when he frown'd.

It don't take as much sleep for me now as it used to, an' I never was dopey; so the' 's mighty few nights 'at I don't have a little visit with 'em. I know now 'at they keep whirlin' an' circlin' away up there; but they never deceive a body.