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'Pull up, Snobby, cried Mr Chuckster, addressing himself to Kit. 'You're wanted inside here. 'Has Mr Abel forgotten anything, I wonder? said Kit as he dismounted. 'Ask no questions, Snobby, returned Mr Chuckster, 'but go and see. Woa-a-a then, will you? If that pony was mine, I'd break him. 'You must be very gentle with him, if you please, said Kit, 'or you'll find him troublesome.

Mr Chuckster was standing behind the lid of his desk, making such preparations towards finishing off for the night, as pulling down his wristbands and pulling up his shirt-collar, settling his neck more gracefully in his stock, and secretly arranging his whiskers by the aid of a little triangular bit of looking glass.

To this retreat Mr Chuckster repaired regularly every Sunday to spend the day usually beginning with breakfast and here he was the great purveyor of general news and fashionable intelligence.

'By Jove, Sir, returned Mr Chuckster, taking out an oblong snuff-box, the lid whereof was ornamented with a fox's head curiously carved in brass, 'that man is an unfathomable. Sir, that man has made friends with our articled clerk. There's no harm in him, but he is so amazingly slow and soft.

It would undoubtedly have gone hard with Kit's face, but that the wary constable, foreseeing her design, drew him aside at the critical moment, and thus placed Mr Chuckster in circumstances of some jeopardy; for that gentleman happening to be next the object of Miss Brass's wrath; and rage being, like love and fortune, blind; was pounced upon by the fair enslaver, and had a false collar plucked up by the roots, and his hair very much dishevelled, before the exertions of the company could make her sensible of her mistake.

You'd better not keep on pulling his ears, please. I know he won't like it. To this remonstrance Mr Chuckster deigned no other answer, than addressing Kit with a lofty and distant air as 'young feller, and requesting him to cut and come again with all speed.

This salutation was addressed to Mr Chuckster, who, with his hat extremely on one side, and his hair a long way beyond it, came swaggering up the walk. 'Hope I see you well sir, returned that gentleman. 'Hope I see YOU well, ma'am. Charming box' this, sir. Delicious country to be sure. 'You want to take Kit back with you, I find? observed Mr Garland.

The excessive audacity of this retort so overpowered Mr Chuckster, and so moved his tender regard for his friend's honour, that he declared, if he were not restrained by official considerations, he must certainly have annihilated Kit upon the spot; a resentment of the affront which he did consider, under the extraordinary circumstances of aggravation attending it, could but have met with the proper sanction and approval of a jury of Englishmen, who, he had no doubt, would have returned a verdict of justifiable Homicide, coupled with a high testimony to the morals and character of the Avenger.

Allow me, Sir, to introduce my sister quite one of us Sir, although of the weaker sex of great use in my business Sir, I assure you. 'Mr Brass, said the other, in a decided tone, 'I am engaged. You see that I am occupied with these gentlemen. If you will communicate your business to Mr Chuckster yonder, you will receive every attention.

How Mr Chuckster, entranced by this monstrous fact, stood for some time rooted to the earth, protesting within himself that Kit was the Prince of felonious characters, and very Emperor or Great Mogul of Snobs, and how he clearly traced this revolting circumstance back to that old villany of the shilling, are matters foreign to our purpose; which is to track the rolling wheels, and bear the travellers company on their cold, bleak journey.