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Mechanico-therapeutics, the purpose and service of each chief kind of apparatus and exercise, the value of work on stall bars with chest weights, of chinning, use of the quarter-staff, somersaults, rings, clubs, dumb-bells, work with straight and flexed knees on machinery, etc., will be taught.

I've said it, and I'll pledge myself to back it up." "And you've made that threat before witnesses, also, Gage. Remember that," Tom advised sternly. "And all the time you're chinning, Dolph," broke in Josh, "Jim Ferrers is riding hard for Dugout City to file the new claim entry!" "If he is, something may happen to him on the way!" raged Dolph, wheeling about like a flash.

The afternoon was well along now, and the captain, casting a glance at the sun, rose hastily to his feet. "Come along," he growled. "We can do our chinning later on. We'll have all we can do now to get to camp before dark." "Before dark." Bert looked at his watch. It was nearly six o'clock. It would not be fully dark until eight.

Then she drew herself up as a boy does "chinning himself," threw a heel over the limb, and in a flash lay breathing deeply and triumphantly, the most difficult step of her climb achieved. Slowly, steadily she made her way upward. In the main it was simple enough for Wanda for it was the sort of thing she did over and over week in and week out.

"What are you fellows chinning about?" asked Jimmy Plummer, one of their schoolmates, who came up to them at that moment. "You seem all worked up about something." "It's about that talk Dr. Dale is going to give us to-night on the wireless telephone," answered Bob, as he edged over a little to give Jimmy room to walk beside them. "You're going, aren't you?

I got in to my own diggings to-night, and the shack was so infernally cold and dismal I mushed on down here on the off chance that you'd have a fire and wouldn't mind chinning awhile. Lord, but a fellow surely gets fed up with his own company, back here. At least I do." Thompson awoke to hospitable formalities. "Have you had supper?" he asked. "Stopped and made tea about sundown," Tommy replied.

"But to think of her being buried under a lot of freight cars! It's tough, that's what it is!" "That's right," agreed Bob. "Just think of it! No more rides in her! Say, we ought to get heavy damages! She was a fine boat!" "Come on then," cried Ned. "Don't let's stand here chinning all day. Let's go see Mr. Hitter.

The four Japs, chinning unintelligibly and smiling a good deal, loaded the Thunder Bird to Johnny's satisfaction, hauled it to the buildings over the ridge, and after they had knocked all the boards off one side to admit the wings, ran it under a shed.

"Meppy you don't know dot me, I haf peen practice on der quiet dis long time, so as to surbrize you all," came the proud reply. "Feel dot muscle, Seth, undt tell me if you think idt could pe peat. Gymnastics I haf take, py shiminy, till all der while I dream of chinning mineself, hanging py one toe, undt all der rest. Meppy you vill surbrised pe yet. Holdt on, don't say nuttings, put wait!"

It was also found that, outside of weight-lifting and inordinate "chinning" and apparent great strength on the parallel bars, these men were not so valuable as the lesser muscled but more supple candidates. To put it briefly, it was found in actual practice that what was under the ribs was of more value than what lay over them. Even at the risk of repetition, some facts should be driven home.