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He ran over all that he had heard of the legend of the old house, rapidly considering whether there might not be something of fact in the legend of the undying old man; whether, as told or whispered in the chimney-corners, it might not be an instance of the mysterious, the half-spiritual mode, in which actual truths communicate themselves imperfectly through a medium that gives them the aspect of falsehood.

Old Maisie was exaggerating about her eyesight. She had seen her rival quite clearly enough to have an opinion about her looks. "Did you see the inside of the cottage, and the old chimney-corners? And the well out at the back?" Thus the Earl. "We didn't go in. I wanted to get home. But what a lot you recollect of it, papa dear!" "I ought to recollect something about it.

Sefton, in his smooth voice. "He repeats his request for reinforcements." The worried look of the President increased. He ran his hand across his brow. "I cannot furnish them," he said. "It is no use to send any more such requests to me. Even the conscription will not fill up our armies unless we take the little boys from their marbles and the grandfathers from their chimney-corners.

Rinkelmann rushed up stairs to see what was the matter. No sooner had she gone, than the two warders of the chimney-corners stepped out into the middle of the room, and said, in a low voice: "'Is your majesty ready? "'Have you no hearts? said the king; 'or are they as black as your faces? Did you not hear the child scream? I must know what is the matter with her before I go.

But many farmers about here will overwork and underfeed all the week, and on Sunday talk about being 'merciful to their beasts. There won't be over twenty-five out to-day, and the Christian heroes, the sturdy yeomanry of the church, will be dozing and grumbling in chimney-corners. The languid half-heartedness of the church discourages me more than all the evil in the world."

The cattle seek their shelter; the few lingering leaves of the white-oaks rustle dismally; the pines breathe sighs of mourning. As the night darkens, and deepens the storm, the house-dog bays; the children crouch in the wide chimney-corners; the sleety rain comes in sharp gusts.

But let any dozen women of respectability take the matter in hand, and, by the means already at their command, from their own chimney-corners, they can readily procure the insertion of the needful clause. And so with any other real abuse. Men are now ready to listen, and ready to act, when additional legislation is prudently and sensibly asked for by their wives and mothers.

There were some small-fry in our kitchens, too, that used to roll about on the grass, and munch fruit in the summer, ad libitum; and stand so close in the chimney-corners in cold weather, that I have often fancied they must have been, as a legal wit of New York once pronounced certain eastern coal-mines to be, incombustible.

It's well for the like of you, lazy giant that you are, to be snoring your time away in chimney-corners, when honest men's daughters can't cross even our quiet meadows at nightfall without being set upon by footpads, and frightened out of their precious lives. 'They never rob me, cried Hugh with a laugh. 'I have got nothing to lose. But I'd as lief knock them at head as any other men.

Those who are not disposed to be sociable sleeps in the chimney-corners." "Ah," said I, "I see it is a very agreeable inn; however, I shall go on to the 'Pump Saint." "I am sorry for it, your honour, for your honour's sake; your honour won't be half so illigantly served at the 'Pump Saint' as there above." "Of what religion are you?" said I.