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"Yes, mum," answered the lad promptly. "Sarah told me as how the good gentleman allers went away sharp at nine o'clock, and so I comes up as the bell rung." "That's right, sharp's the word and quick's the motion; so we'd better be off," said the old sailor, taking his hat and stick which the housemaid, Sarah aforesaid, brought in from the hall. "Good-night, ma'am, good-night, chickabiddies!"

"You'll bewy it," said Patsie, doubtfully, mindful of certain fearful atrocities committed on her doll. "No, I won't twoofanhonor. It's for me to wear." "Pooh!" said Patsie. "Boys don't wear sa-ashes. Zey's only for dirls." "I didn't know." The face of His Majesty the King fell. "Who wants ribands? Are you playing horses, chickabiddies?" said the Commissioner's wife, stepping into the veranda.

Maynard was rousing Kitty, and sat beside the half-asleep child with her arm round her, while Grandma was treating Marjorie in the same way. "It seems a shame," began Grandma, but Uncle Steve interrupted: "A shame to wake them? Not a bit of it! It would be a shame to let them sleep through a chance that they won't get again for a year! Hello! chickabiddies! Hello! Wake up! Fire! Murder! Thieves!

I knew him very well used to give devilish good feeds many a plate I've dirtied at his table don't care how soon I put my legs under it again; take care, mind which way you put your helm you will be aboard of my chickabiddies don't run athwart hawse."

I knew him very well used to give devilish good feeds many a plate I've dirtied at his table don't care how soon I put my legs under it again; take care, mind which way you put your helm you will be aboard of my chickabiddies don't run athwart-hawse."

"Well, chickabiddies, we ain't treated you harsh, I hope? Now I don't care about tyin' youse up, in case we can help it, so jest be good girls, and I'll let youse run around loose for a while." But Magnus struck in with an oath. "Loose? You're turnin' soft, I say. The future Mrs. M. there which I mean to make her if she behaves right she's a handful, she is.

"Good-night, chickabiddies; good-night. I won't wake you when I come back. Sleep well!" Betty left the room. In the corridor outside she met Olive Repton, who said, "Oh, there you are, Betty! Now let's come. We'll be two of the first; but that's all the better, seeing that you are a new member." "It sounds so mysterious a sort of freemasonry," remarked Betty, laughing as she spoke.

'Murdered! cried Dennis, sitting down upon a stool, and regarding her with great favour. 'Why, my dear, who'd murder sich chickabiddies as you? If you was to ask me, now, whether you was brought here to be married, there might be something in it. And here he exchanged a grin with Hugh, who removed his eyes from Dolly for the purpose. 'No, no, said Dennis, 'there'll be no murdering, my pets.

Safe as houses!" replied the Captain, with much energy, stamping his foot on the floor as he spoke to give point to his assertion, his malacca cane not being within reach at the moment. "Otherwise, ma'am, I wouldn't let you or the chickabiddies go in her for worlds!" "You're quite sure, Captain?" "Faith, I'll take my `davy, ma'am, she's as staunch and sound as the old Bucephalus."

"Oh, what a voracious bird!" observed Grace. "I hope these other chickabiddies will not prove indigestible. Were they plucked first, papa? or did the 'Gosshawk' swallow them feathers and all?" Little laughed heartily at this pert sally, but Mr. Carden winced under it. Then Grace saw she was not quite weaponless, and added, "After such a meal, as that, Mr. Little, you will go down like a crumb."