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But the door shut again, the bolts were shot, and a man's voice growled in the hidden room behind. "Dubious hole. Yet it looks as though a big town were near " And down the next slope she ran into Charleville. The town had been long abed, the street lamps were out, the cobbles wet and shining. On the main boulevard one dark figure hurried along.

We were received at the railway station by several officers and escorted in one of the Kaiser's automobiles, which had been set apart for my use, to a villa in the town of Charleville, owned by a French manufacturer named Perin. This pretty little red brick villa had been christened by the Germans, "Sachsen Villa," because it had been occupied by the King of Saxony when he had visited the Kaiser.

The insurgents had placed barricades both on the Park Road and on Cabra Road, near the point at which Charleville Road links up these thoroughfares. Houses overlooking the barricades were occupied by the insurgents, and some brisk fighting took place before the way was cleared for the military advance.

For, by Heaven! if you do, there shall be no mercy shown you. "To Lieutenant-Governor Hamilton." So read Colonel Clark, as he stood before the log fire in Monsieur Bouton's house at the back of the town, the captains grouped in front of him. "Is that strong enough, gentlemen?" he asked. "To raise his hair," said Captain Charleville. Captain Bowman laughed loudly.

On August 24, 1914, the town of Charleville was evacuated, the civilians were sent away to join multitudes of other homeless refugees, and then the French also retired, leaving behind them several machine guns hidden in houses, placed so that they commanded the town and the three bridges that connected it with Mézières.

The latter part of April the Kaiser summoned all of his ministers and his leading generals to the French chateau which he used as his headquarters in Charleville. This city is one of the most picturesque cities in the occupied districts of northern France. It is located on the banks of the Meuse and contains many historic, old ruins.

When they considered the time ripe for action, they removed their camp to the great wood of Kilmore, near Charleville, from which they might safely assail the line of communication between Cork and Limerick, the main depots of Elizabeth's southern army.

We had tea and cakes in these lodgings, and then some of the Americans drew me aside and told me the secret of the peculiar looking peasants whom I had seen at work in the fields surrounding Charleville.

Two hours before them still. She was to carry him with her only to lose him surely; he was to accompany her on her journey only to turn back. All the way to Amiens he reassured himself and her: "In a week I will come to Charleville." And she replied: "Yes, this is nothing. I lose you here, but in a week you will come." "In a week in a week," ran the refrain. "How will you find me at Charleville?

But soon after some cases arrived, labelled Artillery. At this sight, the commotion subsided; the cases were escorted to the Hotel de Ville, it being supposed that they contained the guns expected from Charleville. On opening them, they were found to contain old linen and pieces of wood.