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In a south-bound car Gertie Dobriner found a seat well toward the front. Across the aisle a day laborer on a night debauch threw her a watery stare and a thick-tongued, thick-brogued remark. A char-woman with a newspaper bundle hugged under one arm dozed in the seat alongside, her head lolling from shoulder to shoulder. Raindrops had long since dried on the window-pane.

Is the clothes-brush here?" "Yes, dearest one," said the unsuspecting Malka. Michael winked imperceptibly, flicked his trousers, and without further parley ran across the diagonal to Milly's house. Five minutes afterwards a deputation, consisting of a char-woman, waited upon Malka and said: "Missus says will you please come over, as baby is a-cryin' for its grandma."

Any more of their nonsense and she would thrash them, thrash them both, by God! And perhaps they didn't think she could! Well, she would see! Distractedly she seized the lunch that the char-woman brought at eleven o'clock a roll of black bread with two dripping chops and she swallowed it in a few hurried mouthfuls.

Can't have the roadway blocked up all the afternoon with this 'ere demonstration of the unloved. Pass along." In connection with this same barracks, our char-woman told Amenda, who told Ethelbertha, who told me a story, which I now told the boys. Into a certain house, in a certain street in the neighbourhood, there moved one day a certain family.

A girl out of Anchor and Hope Alley, who had never been in a decent house before! It was surely too bold a step. "You see, Miss," went on Nurse, "it isn't as if you wanted her to wait on you, or to open the door or such like. All she's got to do is to help Betty below stairs, and to make beds, and so on. She'll soon learn, and I'll be bound she'll answer better than a char-woman."

Judy knew it must be "horrid" for poor Lily to have to stop to consider whether she could afford real lace on her petticoats, and not to have a motor-car and a steam-yacht at her orders; but the daily friction of unpaid bills, the daily nibble of small temptations to expenditure, were trials as far out of her experience as the domestic problems of the char-woman. Mrs.

But I have neither time nor inclination to preach to you you will find enough of fighting here if you like it, and well if it come not to seek you when you are least prepared. Farewell for the present the char-woman will execute your commands for your meals."

It was the char-woman of the Benedick who, resting on crimson elbows, examined her with the same unflinching curiosity, the same apparent reluctance to let her pass. On this occasion, however, Miss Bart was on her own ground. "Don't you see that I wish to go by? Please move your pail," she said sharply.

Monsieur d'Etchegorry had dismissed the servant and engaged a char-woman, whom he intended to pay, merely by small sums on account, and he used to go to market with a basket on his arm. He locked up every morsel of food, used to count the lumps of sugar and charcoal, and bolted himself in all day long in a room that was larger than the rest, and which for a long time had served as a drawing-room.

Prentiss, or perhaps the char-woman, or some old lady from the village that had been in the habit of coming in the former people's time. But the child got very angry. She said it was a real lady. She would not allow me to speak.