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Suddenly the little chevalier broke in. "By the head of John the Baptist!" said he. Detricand put down his knife and fork in amazement, and Guida coloured, for the words sounded almost profane upon the chevalier's lips. Du Champsavoys held up his eye-glass, and, turning from one to the other, looked at each of them imperatively yet abstractedly too.

"It contains the record of the marriage of Lieutenant Philip d'Avranche and Guida Landresse de Landresse, both of the Isle of Jersey, by special license of the Bishop of Winchester." "Precisely so, precisely so," said the little grey figure the Chevalier Orvillier du Champsavoys de Beaumanoir. Tears ran down his cheeks as he turned towards Guida, but he was smiling too.

The little grey thrush of a man sipped it, and in a voice no bigger than a bird's began: "From Lucillien du Champsavoys, Comte de Chanier, by the hand of a faithful friend, who goeth hence from among divers dangers, unto my cousin, the Chevalier du Champsavoys de Beaumanoir, late Gentleman of the Bedchamber to the best of monarchs, Louis XV, this writing: "MY DEAR AND HONOURED Cousin" The chevalier paused, frowned a trifle, and tapped his lips with his finger in a little lyrical emotion "My dear and honoured cousin, all is lost.

From group to group he went, answering greetings cheerily and steeling himself to the whole disgusting business. Presently he saw the Chevalier du Champsavoys with the Sieur de Mauprat. This was the first public appearance of the chevalier since the sad business at the Vier Prison a fortnight before.

He laid aside his tool-basket, shook hands with the sieur, and seated himself at the table. Looking at du Champsavoys, he said: "I've just met the connetable. He regrets the riot, chevalier, and says the Royal Court extends its mercy to you." "I prefer to accept no favours," answered the chevalier. "As a point of honour, I had thought that, after breakfast, I should return to prison, and "

Aubins. "That Chevalier of Champsavoys and the other Duc de Bercy," interposed the centenier. Maitre Damian tapped his stick upon the ground, and said oracularly: "It is not for me to say, but which is the rightful Duke and which is not, there is the political question!" "Pardi, that's it," answered the centenier.

Suddenly the little chevalier broke in. "By the head of John the Baptist!" said he. Detricand put down his knife and fork in amazement, and Guida coloured, for the words sounded almost profane upon the chevalier's lips. Du Champsavoys held up his eye-glass, and, turning from one to the other, looked at each of them imperatively yet abstractedly too.

As she sat and thought, Detricand entered, loaded with parcels and bundles. These were mostly gifts for her father and herself; and for du Champsavoys there was a fine delft shaving-dish, shaped like a quartermoon to fit the neck. They were distributed, and by the time supper was over, it was quite dark.

"It contains the record of the marriage of Lieutenant Philip d'Avranche and Guida Landresse de Landresse, both of the Isle of Jersey, by special license of the Bishop of Winchester." "Precisely so, precisely so," said the little grey figure the Chevalier Orvillier du Champsavoys de Beaumanoir. Tears ran down his cheeks as he turned towards Guida, but he was smiling too.

Oh, but come you must, or we shall be offended!" she added, as Champsavoys shook his head in hesitation and glanced towards the prison. "As a point of honour " the little man still persisted, lightly touching his breast with the Louis Quinze cane, and taking a step towards the sombre prison archway.