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Thomas bent him back ruthlessly and plunged a hand into the inside pocket of the man's coat. The touch of the chamois-bag burned like fire. He pulled it out and transferred it to his own pocket and made for the door. He did not care now what happened. Found! Woe to any one who had the ill-luck to stand between him and the exit. Outside the door stood the shabby waiter, grinning cheerfully.

As for the brunette, we might begin with her little confidence game, in which she did not secure Miss Jenrys' bag; charge her with the sale of the stolen emerald, and bring home to her the loss of the 'dew-drops' and other contents of the chamois-bag lost in her flight across Wooded Island when we found her again. But Delbras!

He laid on the broad marble top of the baluster a little chamois-bag. "Will you have these reset and wear them for me?" "The sapphires? Why, you mustn't let them go out of the family. They are wonderful heirlooms." "I do not intend to let them go out of the family," he replied quietly. Kitty stirred the bag with her fingers. She did not raise her eyes from it.

"Is it not true?" asked Kitty, ignoring Haggerty's interpolation. "Miss Killigrew, either I'm dreaming or you are. I haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about." Thomas was now whiter than Kitty. "The talk about a wager is true; but I never knew you had lost any sapphires." "How about this little chamois-bag which I found in your trunk, Mr. Webb?" asked Haggerty ironically.

Back to his cabin once more, weak as a swimmer who had breasted a strong tide. He opened his trunk and rammed the chamois-bag into the toe of one of his patent-leather boots. In the daytime he would wear it about his neck, but each night back into the shoe it must go. He flung himself on the bunk, not to sleep, but to think and wonder. Meantime there was great excitement in the dive.