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He obtained the cooperation of other naturalists, submitting each class as far as possible for revision to the leaders in their respective departments. In his letter of presentation to the library of the Neuchatel Academy, addressed to M. le Baron de Chambrier, President of the Academic Council, Agassiz thus describes the Nomenclator.

Les choses en sont-elles au point de rendre ce risque indispensable?" Mercy to Marie Antoinette, May 11th, 1791, Arneth, p. 163. The day on which the king and she had been prevented from going to St. Cloud. The king. Chambrier, ii., p. 86-88. Lamartine's "Histoire des Girondins," ii., p. 15. Moore's "View," ii., p. 367. The Palais Royal had been named the Palais National.

There was much need that your Tully, the consul, should go and leave the care of his commonwealth to busy himself idly about her; and after him your Diogenes Laertius, the biographer, and your Theodorus Gaza, the philosopher, and your Argiropilus, the emperor, and your Bessario, the cardinal, and your Politian, the pedant, and your Budaeus, the judge, and your Lascaris, the ambassador, and the devil and all of those you call lovers of wisdom; whose number, it seems, was not thought great enough already, but lately your Scaliger, Bigot, Chambrier, Francis Fleury, and I cannot tell how many such other junior sneaking fly-blows must take upon 'em to increase it.

At his house I became acquainted with M. du Perou, and afterwards too intimately connected with him to pass his name over in silence. M. du Perou was an American, son to a commandant of Surinam, whose successor, M. le Chambrier, of Neuchatel, married his widow. Left a widow a second time, she came with her son to live in the country of her second husband.

The Marquise de Brinvilliers had been executed for poisoning several of her own relations in the reign of Louis XIV. Madame de Campan, ch. xvii.; Chambrier, ii., p. 12. He said to La Marck, "Aucun homme seul ne sera capable de ramener les Français an bon sens, le temps seul peut rétablir l'ordre dans les esprits," etc., etc. Mirabeau et La Marck, i., p. 147. Feuillet de Conches, i., p, 376.

At his house I became acquainted with M. du Perou, and afterwards too intimately connected with him to pass his name over in silence. M. du Perou was an American, son to a commandant of Surinam, whose successor, M. le Chambrier, of Neuchatel, married his widow. Left a widow a second time, she came with her son to live in the country of her second husband.

"La Marck et Mirabeau," p. 32. See his letter to Lord North proposing peace, date December 1st, 1780. "Gustave III. et la Cour de France," i., p. 357. Chambrier, i., p. 430; "Gustave III.," etc., i., p. 353. "Gustave III.," etc., i., p. 353. "Mémoires de Weber," i., p. 50. "On s'arrêtait dans les rues, on se parlait sans se connaître." Madame de Campan, ch. ix. L'Oeil de Boeuf.

I told him he must be sensible he had made a false report. He made no answer." And the duke bowed him out of the room with unconcealed scorn. Kaye's Life of Sir J. Malcolm, ii., p. 109. Lamartine calls the Cordeliers the Club of Coups-de-main, as he calls the Jacobins the Club of Radical Theories. Histoire des Girondins, xvi., p. 4. Dr. Moore, ii., p. 372; Chambrier, ii., p. 142.