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He comes here every night to applaud and takes her home himself. Keeps himself sober on purpose." And then the lady appeared again in a wonderful costume of blue silk and tights, personating the Lion Masher. It was her third and last song. In the applause which followed, Mr. Chalker could discern plainly the stick as well as the voice of his old friend.

I will give you two hundred pounds in discharge of your whole claim, or you shall have a valuation made, if you prefer it, and I will double the amount." Mr. Chalker chose the former promptly, and in a few moments handed over the necessary receipts, and sent his clerk to recall the Man in Possession. "What are you going to do with Joe?" he asked. "No good turn, I'll swear.

Emblem, and no one was considered to have made more of his chances. And it was with joy that Mr. Chalker received Joe one evening and heard from him the dismal story, that if he could not find fifty pounds within a few hours, he was ruined. The fifty pounds was raised on a bill bearing Mr. Emblem's name.

Emblem did not take up the bill, but got it renewed quarter after quarter, substituting at length a bill of sale, as if he was determined to pay as much as possible for his grandson's sins. "Where is he?" asked the money-lender angrily. "Why doesn't he come down and face his creditors?" "Master's upstairs," said James, "and you've seen yourself, Mr. Chalker, that he is off his chump.

Chalker, let me tell you it is a day too soon. To-morrow we will speak of business." Then he sprung to his feet suddenly, struck with a thought which pierced him like a dagger. "To-morrow! It is the day when they will come to sell me up. Oh, Iris! what did that matter when you were safe? Now we are all paupers together all paupers." He fell back in his chair white and trembling.

Chalker, and you are so much beloved that there are many who would be delighted to relate their experiences and dealings with so clever a man. Have you ever studied, one asks with wonder, the Precepts of the great Sage who founded your religion?" "Oh, come, don't let us have any religious nonsense!" "I assure you they are worth studying.

His old friend, Mr. David Chalker, one is sorry to add, refused to give bail, so that he remained in custody, and will now endure hardness for a somewhat lengthened period. "Clara," said Arnold, "Iris will stay with you, if you ask her. We shall not marry, my dear, without your permission. I have promised that already, have I not?"

I made it myself out of Chlorodyne, you know, which is in the advertisements. Sounds well, don't it? Carlotta Claradine." "Very well, indeed. By Jove! Her husband, is he?" "And, I suppose," said the chairman, "lives on his wife's salary. Bless you, Mr. Chalker, there's a whole gang about every theater and music hall trying to get hold of the promising girls. It's a regular profession.

On his way out, Mr. Chalker stopped for a moment and looked round the shop. "How's business?" he asked the assistant. "Dull, sir," replied Mr. James. "He throws it all away, and neglects his chances. Naturally, being so rich " "So rich, indeed," the solicitor echoed. "It will be bad for his successor," Mr. James went on, thinking how much he should himself like to be that successor.

When it was presented, however, and the circumstances explained, the old gentleman, who had at first refused to own the signature, accepted it meekly, and told no one that his grandson had written it himself, without the polite formality of asking permission to sign for him. In other words Joseph was a forger, and Mr. Chalker knew it, and this made him the more astonished when Mr.