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But now I heard a voice suddenly exclaim, "Where is the English stranger? It was he gave Rob Roy the knife to cut the belt." "Cleeve the pock-pudding to the chafts!" cried one voice. "Weize a brace of balls through his harn-pan!" said a second. "Drive three inches of cauld airn into his brisket!" shouted a third.

"She was the story of Uistean More M'Gillie Phadrig and the Gavar Vore." "It is no sic a thing," cried Andie. And the same in your beard," says he; "and keep the tongue of ye inside your Hielant chafts!" In dealing with Highlanders it will be found, and has been shown in history, how well it goes with Lowland gentlefolk; but the thing appears scarce feasible for Lowland commons.

"There's mair in Bandy than the spune pets in; mind I'm tellin' you. He was tellin's aboot some o' the exyems in gomitry lest nicht, an', I'll swag, he garred Cocky Baxter, the auld dominie, chowl his chafts." "Exyems!" says I. "Is that the same as exy-oey we used to play at on oor sklates at the skule?" "No, no, no, no, no," says Sandy. "What are you haiverin' aboot, Bawbie?

He was to have a great surprise, for there stood Simon Mac-Taggart leaning against the jamb a figure of dejection! "Dod!" cried Mungo, "ye fair started me there, wi' your chafts like clay and yer ee'n luntin'. If I hadnae been tauld when I was doon wi' yer coat the day that ye was oot and aboot again, I wad hae taen 't for your wraith." The Chamberlain said nothing.

My time must be nigh at hand now, for I be aud, and a hundred years is too much for any man to expect. And I'm so nigh it that the Aud Man is already whettin' his scythe. Ye see, I can't get out o' the habit of caffin' about it all at once. The chafts will wag as they be used to. Some day soon the Angel of Death will sound his trumpet for me.

"There was no very holy calm in the kitchen t'other night, Peter Swinehead!" said I, my wits coming mechanically back to me at the familiar sound. "Ha, Sir Blackamoor, 'tis you; surely your chafts have grown strangely white, or else are my eyes serving me foully in the torchlight."

"She was the story of Uistean More M'Gillie Phadrig and the Gavar Vore." "It is no sic a thing," cried Andie. And the same in your beard," says he; "and keep the tongue of ye inside your Hielant chafts!" In dealing with Highlanders it will be found, and has been shown in history, how well it goes with Lowland gentlefolk; but the thing appears scarce feasible for Lowland commons.

Weel-a-weel, we landit at Edinboro, an Meg was waitin's, an' as mony bairns wi' her as wudda startit a raggit schule although they were a' braw an' snod, I ashure ye. "Keep me, Meg," said Sandy, efter he'd shaken hands wi' her, "is thae a' your litlans? Dod, sic a cleckin!" The ass that he is! I saw Meg chowl her chafts gey angry like, an' I took Sandy a doish i' the back wi' my umberell.

I stopped at this, confounded that I had run so far; he was observing me with an unfathomable face. "My lord, I ask your pardon," I resumed. "I have nothing in my chafts but a rough country tongue. I think it would be only decent-like if I would go to see my friend in her captivity; but I'm owing you my life I'll never forget that; and if it's for your lordship's good, here I'll stay.

Balfour of Shaws, that you would marry James More's daughter, and him hanged? Well, then, where there's no possible marriage there shall be no manner of carryings on, and take that for said. Lasses are bruckle things," she added, with a nod; "and though ye would never think it by my wrunkled chafts, I was a lassie mysel', and a bonny one."