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"Quite so," agreed Leslie. "Now, no doubt he will go ashore again soon after daylight; and as I shall not come off to the ship he will be compelled to come ashore in his own boat. How many men will he be likely to bring with him, think you?" "Not more'n two, sir, certingly," answered the steward; "and p'rhaps not any at all.

Brimberly, turning his whiskers full upon Spike, who immediately fell to shuffling and wringing at his cap. "Sir I will, certingly, sir." Now when the door had shut after his master, Mr. Brimberly raised eyes and hands to the ceiling and shook his head until his whiskers quivered. Quoth he: "Hall I arsks is wot next!"

"And how long do you think the craft had been as you found her?" "Well, not so very long, sir, I should say," answered Chips. "Everything looked fairly fresh aboard of her; the paintwork weren't noways perished-like wi' the wash of the water, and the polish on the mahogany was pretty nigh as good as a man could wish; but the cushions was certingly a good bit sodden.

"That's so," he said reflectively, after a pause, "certingly a sort of a skunk and suthin of a fool. In course." He was silent for a moment as in painful contemplation of the unsavoriness and folly of the unpopular Smiley. "Dismal weather, ain't it?" he added, now fully embarked on the current of prevailing sentiment. "Mighty rough papers on the boys, and no show for money this season.

Arter a time I saw it was no good trying to persuade 'im, and I pretended to give way. "'I think I can get you a ship with a friend o' mine, I ses; 'but, mind, I've got to relieve your pore father's mind I must let 'im know wot's become of you. "'Not before I've sailed, he ses, very quick. "'Certingly not, I ses.

"Dear, dear! Why then, sir, whisky? Brandy? A lick-your?" "Nothing." "A cigar, sir?" "Hum! Have we any of the Garcias left?" "Y-yes, sir. Ho, certingly, sir. Shall I " "Don't bother, I prefer my pipe; only let me know when we get short, Brimberly, and we'll order more or perhaps you have a favourite brand?" "Brand, sir," murmured Brimberly, "a er certingly, sir." "Good night, Brimberly."

"What d'ye say, Tom; shall us take down a reef!" asked one of the men. "Reef? No, certingly not. Didn't you hear the gentleman say as how we was to `crack on' because he's in a hurry? Give her whole canvas," replied the coxswain. With a shivering flutter and a sudden violent jerk the sail was run up; and, careening gunwale-to, away dashed the lively boat toward the harbour.

I could not contradict the declaration: it was too fearfully probable. I made no reply. "Dogs!" fiercely vociferated the savage, "come down, and deliver up your arms!" "An' our scalps too, I s'pose," muttered the Yankee. "Neo, certingly not, at your price: I don't sell my notions so dirt cheep as thet comes to. 'Twouldn't pay nohow.

"Yees; certingly I remember it he, he, he! But I kim a better trick then thet on the Orleens people 'bout five yeer ago jest 'fore I jined the Rangers." "Fwhat was it, shure?" "We ell, ye see, I wan't allers es poor es I'm now. I hed a pertnership in a bit o' a schooner, es used to trade 'tween Bosting an' Orleens, an' we used to load her wi' all sorts o' notions, to sell to the Orleens folk.

Brimberly, mouthing the word sonorously, "oblivion, sir, certingly my own sentiments exactly, sir for, though not being a marrying man myself, sir, I regard it with a truly reverent heye and 'umbly suggest that for you such a oblivious change would be " "Brimberly," said Young R., turning to stare in lazy wonder, "where in the world are you getting to now?" Mr.