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Prices for eatables are ridiculously low; I hand him a cherik for the supper; he beckons me out of the back door, and there, with none save ourselves to witness the transaction, he counts me out two piastres change, which left him ten centa for the supper.

"Well," said Clementina, "he isn't in China. His health gave out, and he had to come home. He's in Middlemount Centa." Miss Milray suppressed the "Oh!" that all but broke from her lips. "Preaching to the heathen, there?" she temporized. "To the summa folks," Clementina explained, innocent of satire. "They have got a Union Chapel the'a, now, and Mr. Gregory has been preaching all summa."

"No, Tony, I don't get my apples from the 'policeman's friend. I can pay for them. You know all of us policemen aren't grafters even on the line of apples and peanuts." The Italian's eyes grew big. "Well, you'ra de first one dat offer to maka me de pay, justa de same. Eet's a two centa, eef you insist." He gave Bobbie his change, and the young man munched away on the fresh fruit with relish.

T'ree fo' five centa," urged the black eyed girl, with large ear rings, who had supplied his wants. Ralph eyed the pendulous fruit dubiously. He had never seen anything like it before. "Looks some like skinned sweet taters," he said to himself. "Are they good?" he queried aloud. "Verra goot; go nice wiz shinger braad." "All right.

In '79 he founded in Havana, the newspaper La Fraternidad, devoted to the interest of the colored race. For a certain fiery editorial he was deported to Centa and kept there two years. Then he went to Madrid and assumed the management of La Tribuna and in 1890 returned to Havana and resumed the publication of La Fraternidad. Another beloved exile from the land of his birth is Señor Jose White.

The cousins, though on opposite sides of the war, befriended each other in many instances, and it is said that more than once Captain-General Campos owed his life to his unacknowledged relative. The latter's half brother, Jose Maceo, was captured early in the war and sent to the African prison, Centa; whence he escaped later on with Quintín Bandera and others of his staff.

Jim drew the patte'n of it from the dress of one of the summa boa'das that he took a fancy to at the Centa, and fatha cut it out, and I helped motha make it. I guess every one of the children helped a little." "Well, it's just as I said, you can all of you do things," said Mrs. Atwell. "But I guess you ah' the one that keeps 'em straight. What did you say Mr. Landa said his wife wanted of you?"

Jim drew the patte'n of it from the dress of one of the summa boa'das that he took a fancy to at the Centa, and fatha cut it out, and I helped motha make it. I guess every one of the children helped a little." "Well, it's just as I said, you can all of you do things," said Mrs. Atwell. "But I guess you ah' the one that keeps 'em straight. What did you say Mr. Landa said his wife wanted of you?"