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It was the custom at that time when a person died for people to watch the dead person's grave in turn, one after another; for there used to be destroyers going about stealing the corpses. When the mother of Carrol and Lawrence died, Carrol said to Lawrence 'You say that nothing ever made you afraid yet, but I'll make a bet with you that you haven't courage to watch your mother's tomb to-night.

He worded his part of this letter very carefully, for he had seen as good men as himself incontinently fired merely because they could not deny themselves the luxury of a petulant phrase. His letter bore fruit; for Carrol, the mighty head of the land department, came down to see things for himself.

"Come on!" shouted Harry. "We want to see the labyrinths down-stairs before they turn the lights off!" They all rose and started toward the chute Harry and Sally Carrol in the lead, her little mitten buried in his big fur gantlet. At the bottom of the chute was a long empty room of ice, with the ceiling so low that they had to stoop and their hands were parted.

At the time of his death a correspondent of the 'St. Louis Republican' culled the following items from the diary 'In February, 1825, he shipped on board the steamer "Rambler," at Florence, Ala., and made during that year three trips to New Orleans and back this on the "Gen. Carrol," between Nashville and New Orleans.

"I'll send Farwell down there," said York, speaking to Carrol, who was the head of his land department. Now, Farwell was altogether too good a man to waste on a little, puttering job like this. He had seen service in half a dozen countries, always with credit to himself, and he was in line for big promotion.

"He is my husband, Carrol," she went on rapidly. "I knew you didn't understand it. I ought to have written you about it. I thought I would come and tell you before you did anything absurd. We were married as soon as he heard that his wife was dead." "What is the use of this?" he muttered hoarsely. "She is not dead. I heard from her a week ago. She was living a week ago."

In truth, I gave you the example rather as a trial of patience than in the hope that you could conquer it. You remember, however, that I gave you permission to secure help if you utterly failed. Will you tell us, Earle, if you had any help?" "Yes'm," said Earle. "My Cousin Carrol helped me." And then Cousin Carrol's astonishment suddenly broke into laughter.

See report of Carrol D. Wright, Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics of Labor, 1881. A cotton mill operative testified: "Young girls from fourteen and upward learn more wickedness in one year than they would in five out of a mill."

"We have got a better idea, Eleanor quite a novel one," she said, one morning. "We are going to make our bridal trip in Carrol's yacht!" "Whose idea is that?" "Carrol's and mine too, of course. Carrol says it is the jolliest life. You leave all your cares and bills on shore behind you. You issue your own sailing orders, and sail away into space with an easy conscience"

Even at Newport there are never enough men to go round, and with two whole ones for a basis much may be done. The very night of their arrival they "ran into" a dinner-party, as Carrol expressed it. Carrol knew them all, even the famous new beauty; but Fitz or James Holden, rather had, except for the Carrols, but a nodding acquaintance with one or two of the men.