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DEAR BOY: I reckon that this letter will find you just returned from Dresden, where you have made your first court caravanne.

Those of the Caravanne and of Anacreon are but indifferent. It required no small share of talent to put words into the mouth of the charming poet, whose name is given to the last-mentioned piece; but M. GUY appears not to have thought of this. Tarare is a tissue of improbabilities and absurdities. The poem is frequently nothing but an assemblage of words which present no meaning.

DEAR BOY: I reckon that this letter will find you just returned from Dresden, where you have made your first court caravanne.

Besides, he is absolutely deficient in nobleness of manner; and his stature and countenance are better suited to low character. Indeed, he chiefly performs in the operas termed here operas de genre, such as Panurge, La Caravanne, Anacreon, and Les Pretendus. In these, his acting is correct, and his delivery judicious.

These are a species of comic opera, in which is introduced a great deal of show and bustle. Panurge, La Caravanne, Anacreon, Tarare, Les Pretendus, Les Mysteres d'Isis, &c. are of this description. The music of the first three is by GRETRY. It is considered as replete with grace, charm, and truth of expression. The poem of Panurge is an estravaganza.