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The departure from old lines in these dramatists is patent; and, after discounting the part that may have been temperamental or contingent on some other cause, there remains the larger share to attribute to Balzac's influence. Dumas' Dame aux Camelias originally staged in 1852, was a timid start in the new direction.

Dumas fils retired to the country and wrote La Dame aux Camélias a four-act play in eight successive days. But he had previously told the same story in a novel; he knew everything that was to happen in his play; and the mere writing could be done in a single headlong dash. Voltaire's best tragedy, Zaïre, was written in three weeks.

Let us be reassured, it will always exist, for it always has! Our friend Alexandre Dumas fils, to make an agreeable paradox, has boasted of its advantages in the preface to the Dame aux Camelias, hasn't he? And you want me not to be sad! I think that we shall soon see abominable things, thanks to the inept stubbornness of the Right.

She hated the grove, where thousands of oranges, gathered into piles, lay rotting, and where the smiling trees, wherever their buds had escaped injury, were putting out scattered blooms; she hated the lake, and the Cherokee roses in bloom, she hated the crepe myrtles and the camelias in the yard. To walk meant wading through sand; there was nothing in town to make the drive worth while.

Who knows? without the support of the government of the Restoration the light of that little lamp might less easily have developed into the resplendent star that the author of La Dame aux Camelias indicated in the firmament. The author of Meditations Poetiques and the author of the Odes et Ballades were sincere in the expression of their political and religious enthusiasm.

These camelias are superb, but without fragrance, and colorless as my sad features. I must wear them, for my husband gave them to me, and in so doing I decorate the grave of my love. Farewell! hereafter I will live for my duties; as I cannot accept your love, I will merit your highest respect.

Really my eyes were dazzled with the array of lovely pink and white azaleas that were arranged at respective distances. And the camelias really, I had to hold my breath then came the endless group of calla lilies pure, transparent and beautiful." "Oh, Helen, I should have been tempted to pluck a stray one and say, 'old conscience, it is public property."

The story itself is almost too repulsive for stage representation; but in beauty, freshness, originality, and dramatic expression the music of "Rigoletto" is Verdi's best; and in all this music the quartet is the masterpiece. "La Traviata," an opera in three acts, words by Piave, is founded upon Dumas's "Dame aux Camelias," familiar to the English stage as "Camille."

In "La Dame aux Camélias," still, she shows herself, as an actress, the greatest actress in the world.

At the Salon, Artistes Français, 1902, this artist exhibited a "Portrait of M. G. L.," and in 1904 "A Vision" and "La Dame aux Camelias." <b>TAYLOR, ELIZABETH V.</b> Sears prize, Boston Art Museum; bronze medal, Nashville Exposition, 1897. Member of the Copley Society, Boston. Pupil of E. C. Tarbell and Joseph de Camp in the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.