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Benton and Mrs. Fremont Hospitality offered to him at Washington Kit Carson receives the Appointment of Lieutenant in the Rifle Corps of the U.S. Army from President Polk He is ordered to carry Dispatches to California The Journey A Brush with the Camanche Indians Arrival at Santa More trouble with hostile Indians Arrival at Los Angelos Dispatches delivered Kit Carson is assigned to do Duty with the Dragoons Is ordered to Guard Tajon Pass The Winter spent there Is ordered again to carry Dispatches to Washington The Journey and its Adventures The return to New Mexico.

When I reached my eighth year, I was considered old enough to assist my father in his daily duties; under his tuition, I was able in a few months to ride like a Camanche, to fling the lazo with unerring aim, and to perform with credit most of the drudgery which fell to my share.

Indeed he was, at times, far beyond the roaming grounds of the Camanches, but this was necessary. He was not, however, free from danger; but was obliged to be on the lookout for their allies, the Kiowas, who are usually at war whenever the Camanche nation is.

It was a thrilling scene, and I almost wished I was one among them. Our mission was accomplished, and my companion intimated that we should descend the mountain and join the war-party. As we descended, the Camanche preceded me, pushing his way through the bushes with a rapidity only acquired by long practice.

"Do come," I answered aloud. We all bowed, and they disappeared. "What an elegant Indian your tall friend is!" said Leonora. "Yes, of the Camanche tribe." "But he would look better hanging from his horse's mane than he does in a long coat." "He is spoiled by civilization and white parents. But, Leonora, stay and dine with me, in my own room. John will not come home till it is time for the opera.

It is instantly understood by the whole tribe, and the joyful intelligence is received with shouts of thanks to their strange god and to mystery men and the dancers, who have been the immediate cause of the successful result. During my residence in the Camanche village, these dances were sometimes kept up for two or three weeks without intermission, until the buffaloes made their appearance.

At a hitching post outside the gate there were three saddled horses of a breed not unlike the 'Canadian. The saddles would be uncomfortable to an American, cavalry officer, though not so to a Camanche Indian. According to my recollection of our equestrian savage I think his saddle is not much unlike the Mongolians'.

A sort of stew, of which the flesh of young puppies forms the principal ingredient, is another Camanche luxury, and I learned in time to consider it very palatable; but I fancy most people would rather take it for granted than put it to the test. However, if any of my readers feel disposed to try the experiment, I can assure them that they may do so without fear of unpleasant consequences.

Like hounds held in the leash, we awaited the signal at last it came the shrill notes of the war whistle pierced the air, and it was instantly followed by the wild intonation of the Camanche war whoop as we burst forth from the timber and charged with headlong fury upon the foe.

The Camanche head chief, and one who seemed to be the leader of the Apaches conversed apart, the latter frequently pointing to my wife and evidently arguing with great persistence.