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Of course she has plenty of suitors, and is a match for them all; for she appears to have attained perfection in the art of managing men. Should a college of women ever want a professor, she deserves a degree of Mistress of Arts, and would admirably fill the Chair of Coquetry. Dined again with our kind friends, and then took a last drive upon the Calçada.

Left the ship on Saturday morning, in the ten o'clock boat, and reaching the hotel, remained there until dinner, occupying time in reading and taking a bath. After dinner drove out to the Calçada, around it to the front of the city and the mole; walked upon the mole for an hour or more, when the moon rose. It was full and bright; never had seen such splendid moonlight.

This part of the road forms the chord of a semi-circle, whilst a continuation, not planted, is the segment, which turning round the walls of the city extends along the beach of the bay, giving a fine view of the shipping in the roads. From the Calçada branch roads, leading to different points on this beautiful island, and these drives are truly magnificent.

The Calçada is the fashionable drive, and the meaning of the word is a causeway, or raised road; it extends along the walls of the city, and its centre, as well as each of its sides, is planted with fine flowering trees.

Fabrico del Tobago Manufacture of the Cheroot Description of the process Female Operatives Gigantic effects Midshipman attacked A delightful Evening Boat ahoy Disappointed in trip to Lagunade Bay Funcion Familia Madame Theodore The Calçada again Margarita Teatro Binondo Teatro Tagalo de Tondo Espana Anecdote of an Englishman Farewell to Manilla Out to Sea.

The "Calcada Nova," a fine old paved "ramp" to speak Gibraltar- English connects Basse Ville and Hauteville. The latter was once a scatter of huge if not magnificent buildings, now in ruins; we shall pass through it en route to Calumbo. Here are the remains of the three chief convents, the Jesuit, the Carmelite, and the Third Order of St. Francis.

In the after part of the day drove again to the Calçada, where we spent the evening passing up and down, and occasionally slipping out of place in the line when we could escape the vigilant eye of the guard, to enable us to pass the equipage and to see the face of "some gay beauty," the exquisite shape of whose neck and shoulders had tempted us to risk fine and imprisonment for the sake of a "front view."