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And thence through ye woods to ye first bounds. To have and to hold ye quiet possession of ye same to him, his heirs forever, with all rights and privileges thereto forever from me or any person or persons whatsoever, as witness my hand this first day of March 1661. "Test: Thos Weamouth, Caleb Callaway."

'Rather incredulous, as he says, Delacourt went to the lad, who had communicated, as he believed, unworthily, and was therefore a prey to religious excitement, which, as Bishop Callaway found among his Zulu converts, and as Wodrow attests among 'savoury Christians, begets precisely such hallucinations as annoyed the early hermits like St. Anthony.

"Do you mean to say," he exclaimed, "that you know the Rockmores?" "The way of it is this," replied the Greek scholar; "you see, my mother was a Purley, and on the maternal side she belonged to the Kempton-Tucker family, and you know that the head of that family married for his second wife a Mrs. Callaway, who was own sister to John Brent Norris, whose daughter married a Rockmore.

Calloway's order fired on them they had a dreadful skuffel but our men all got in the fort safe and the fire continued on both sides." During the siege Callaway, the leader of the pioneers, made a wooden cannon wrapped with wagon tires, which on being fired at a group of Indians "made them scamper perdidiously."

Callaway, visiting his other children, and especially his youngest son, Major Nathan Boone, for longer or shorter periods, according to his inclination and convenience. He was greatly beloved by all his descendants, some of whom were of the fifth generation; and he took great delight in their society. "His time at home," says Mr. Peck, "was usually occupied in some useful manner.

Both the other couples were likewise married a year or two later. The whole story reads like a page out of one of Cooper's novels. The two younger girls gave way to despair when captured, but Betsey Callaway was sure they would be followed and rescued.

Callaway, 'and believe that their first ancestor, the First Man, was the Creator. But they may, like many other peoples, have had a different original tradition, and have altered it, just because they are now such fervent ancestor-worshippers. Unkulunkulu was prior to Death, which came among men in the usual mythical way. Whether Unkulunkulu still exists, is rather a moot question: Dr.

Although the people of the little colony of Boonesborough were not aware of the fact at the time, the marauding Indians who thus captured Miss Boone and the Misses Callaway, as they were amusing themselves by paddling about the foot of the rock in the canoe, were one of the many scouting parties of Indians who were scattered about watching all the different settlements in Kentucky, and preparing to attack them.

Callaway thinks that he does not. If not, he is an exception to the rule in Australia, Andaman, among the Bushmen, the Fuegians, and savages in general, who are less advanced in culture than the Zulus. The idea, then, of a Maker of things who has ceased to exist occurs, if at all, not in a relatively primitive, but in a relatively late religion.

Of the large class of books reporting the manners and beliefs of special savage races we may specify D. G. Brinton, The Myths of the New World, 1896. W. W. Gill, Myths and Songs from the South Pacific, 1876. Kingsley, Miss, West African Studies, 1899. Callaway, The Religious System of the Amazulu, 1863-72. Duff Macdonald, Africana, the Heart of Heathen Africa, 1882.