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Calcott, the painter, with whom we made acquaintance a few days ago. He has been more civil than I can tell you, promising us his ticket for the Exhibition, and preparing the way for our seeing pictures at Lord Liverpool's, Sir John Swinburne's, etc.; so I was glad to have this opportunity of asking him, and he breaks an engagement to the Academy to accept of Lady Elizabeth's invitation.

As if she had divined Mary's intentions of keeping her from importuning him, she was continually gazing at the door, ready at once to claim his attention. At first, the gentlemen only appeared in a black herd at the door, where Mr. Calcott had stopped Lord Ormersfield short, in his eagerness to impress on him the views of the county on a police-bill in course of preparation for the next session.

Calcott insisted on his staying to luncheon. He found the ladies greatly amused with their little guest a very small, but extremely forward and spirited child, not at all pretty, with her brown skin and womanly eyes, but looking most thoroughly a lady, even in her little brown holland frock, and white sun-bonnet, her mamma's great achievement.

He wanted to bring in a very ordinary style of person, from School, but Jem's superiority and the general esteem for my aunt carried the day. 'What did Ramsbotham and his set do? 'They were better than could have been hoped; they gave us their votes when they found their man could not get in. 'Ha? As long as that fellow is against Calcott, he cares little whom he supports.

This metrical version of the story is, I fear, lost except the fragments which I shall quote; at least I have sought for it in vain in all likely quarters since reading Lady Blanche's article. So Miss Kendrick lived a lonely and stately life in Calcott Park.

The other magistrates congregated round; but James Frost and Sydney Calcott had slipped past, to the piano where Lady Conway had sent Miss Calcott and Isabel.

Calcott, and felt abashed, and willing to find a retreat from the meeting; but there was no avoiding it, and he expected, as usual, to be passed with a bow; but the Squire slackened his pace as he overtook him, and called out, good-humouredly, 'Ha, Mr. 'I always know you by the little lady on your shoulder.

I am sorry that Calcott should be defeated, even for James's sake. How did Richardson vote? 'He was doubtful at first, but I brought him over. Lord Ormersfield gave a quick, searching glance as he said, James Frost did not make use of our interest in this matter. 'Jem never did. He and my aunt held back, and were unwilling to oppose the Squire. They would have given it up, but for me.

She strongly deprecated attempting anything without first ascertaining his views; and, as the young men had lashed themselves into great ardour, the three walked off at once to lay the proposal before the Squire. But Mr. Calcott was not at home. He had set off yesterday, with Miss Calcott and Miss Caroline, for a tour in Wales, and would not return for a week or ten days.

Calcott says that he lives in fear of some one offering him a living, said Lord Ormersfield. 'And the dear old Giraffe? said Louis. 'Clara? She is looking almost handsome. I wish some good man would marry her. She would make an excellent wife. 'I am not ready to spare her yet, said Mary; 'I must make acquaintance with her before any excellent man carries her off.