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The caddis-worms kill the ova by making a small hole in them and sucking some of the contents out; from this hole some more of the contents escapes, and as it comes into contact with the water becomes opaque. Caddis-worms are the larvæ of an order of four-winged flies commonly known as sedges, caddis-flies, or water-moths.

They know that fishes live under water, and that many insects like May-flies and caddis-flies and water-beetles live sometimes in the water, sometimes in the open air; and they cannot know you do not know what it is which prevents a bird's living under water.

It was one of the Neuroptera insects with wings in which the veins run straight down the wing, sometimes joined by cross branches at right angles. Some of the modern kinds are very beautiful four-winged flies, with bright colours on their wings like butterflies. Others are ant-lions or caddis-flies. The curve of the fragment of wing also suggested its probable size when unbroken.

I heard of a young lady not long ago who was raising spiders for the purpose of studying their habits. If she is in earnest, and has the intelligence to try experiments, she may some day contribute something substantial to scientific knowledge. I have heard of another who is raising snails, and of still another who makes a specialty of caddis-flies.