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"I will I will, love; I will forgive anybody, anything, and will love the whole world now that I have you back again. But oh, Valmai, my beloved, how shall I ever make up to you for all you have gone through? I know now you never received my letter written on the Burrawalla, and sent by The Dundee, for I have heard of her sad fate.

First, there was the description of the repairs required by Captain Owen's ship "Blessed repairs, Valmai!" and the extraordinary special Providence which had caused the ss. Ariadne to collide at midships with the Burrawalla, and, moreover, so to damage her that Cardo's berth and those of the three other inmates of his cabin would alone be disturbed by the necessary repairs.

Gwynne Ellis was quite right when he said that it would be much harder to part with a wife of a week than a sweetheart of a year." During the next few weeks, Cardo Wynne was generally to be seen pacing the deck of the Burrawalla, playing with the children or chatting with some of the passengers.

The next day they had cleared the storm, its fury having been as short-lived as it was sudden. The sea was gradually quieting down, and the sun shone out bravely. The sails were unfurled and the Burrawalla once more went gaily on her way. Cardo had spent all the morning in writing; he would send his letter by the first opportunity.

Reaching the roadway, she caught sight of the foaming white waves in the harbour, and wondered how far the Burrawalla had already got on her way towards the Antipodes. "Captain Powell of The Thisbe?" said a lounging sailor who was passing, with his hands in his pockets and his cap very much at the back of his head. "Yes, miss, Aye knows him well.

And indeed, I was very glad, whatever, to have something to do; so I came at once. Uncle Essec drove me to Caer Madoc, and I thought what a dull, grey town Fordsea was, until this morning when the doctor came and said the Burrawalla had come back for repairs; and then the sun seemed to shine out, and when I went out marketing, I could not think how I had made such a mistake about Fordsea.

You promised when I first told you of my love for Valmai that you would help us out of our difficulties. You are an ordained priest; can you not marry us in the old church on the morning of the 14th? You know the Burrawalla sails on the 15th, and I go down to Fordsea the day before, but not till noon. Can you not marry us in the morning?"

Consequently the Burrawalla was put into quarantine, of course to the great annoyance and inconvenience of all on board. "You are not looking well, Mr. Wynne," said the doctor one day. "Oh, I'm alright," said Cardo, "only impatient to get on shore. I feel perfectly well. Why, my dear doctor, I have never had a day's illness in my life, as far as I can remember."

"Oh, first rate, sir," said Cardo, shaking hands and taking the chair which Valmai placed for him beside the bed. "Well, now, here's a quandary, the Burrawalla is in! but it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good, and since you must be delayed, Ay'm very glad it has landed you here." "The delay is of no consequence to me; and it's a wind I shall bless all my life."

"The Burrawalla come back! damaged! a collision! And Cardo, where was he? Was it possible that the dull grey town contained her lover?" "Well, to be sure, here's a pretty kettle of fish," said her uncle, using strong compulsion to adapt his words to the squeamishness of a "lil gel." "Here's the Burrawalla, Valmai, put back for repairs, may friend Captain Owen's ship, you know.