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We have been introduced to a number of abolitionists, Thurston, Phelps, Green, the Burleighs, Wright, Pritchard, Thome, etc., and Amos Dresser, as lovely a specimen of the meekness and lowliness of the great Master as I ever saw.

Gerald Chandos was rich, made violent love to her, and was ready to promise anything, it appeared, not that she demanded much; the Lord Burleighs of her experience invariably showered jewels and equipages and fine raiment upon their brides without being asked.

It is my impression she has about half made up her mind to the desperate resolve of making a grand marriage. She said as much the other night, and I think that is why she encourages Mr. Chandos." "Oh, dear," cried Dolly, again. "And does she think he wants to marry her?" "She knows he makes violent love to her, and she is not worldly-wise enough to know that Lord Burleighs are out of date."

Here the huge annual conventions of the windy and cyclonic "reformatory societies" of those times were held especially the tumultuous Anti-Slavery ones. I remember hearing Wendell Phillips, Emerson, Cassius Clay, John P. Hale, Beecher, Fred Douglas, the Burleighs, Garrison, and others. Sometimes the Hutchinsons would sing very fine. Sometimes there were angry rows.

There is somewhat touching in the madness with which the passing age mischooses the object on which all candles shine, and all eyes are turned; the care with which it registers every trifle touching Queen Elizabeth, and King James, and the Essexes, Leicesters, Burleighs, and Buckinghams; and lets pass without a single valuable note the founder of another dynasty, which alone will cause the Tudor dynasty to be remembered, the man who carries the Saxon race in him by the inspiration which feeds him, and on whose thoughts the foremost people of the world are now for some ages to be nourished, and minds to receive this and not another bias.

"Now shall I do?" she humbly asked, feeling the temperature of her cheeks with her cool hands. Mrs. Betts judiciously hesitated, then, speaking in a milder voice, said, "Yes perhaps it would not be noticed. But tears was the very mischief for eyes that Miss Fairfax might take her word for. And it was old Lady Angleby and her niece, one of the Miss Burleighs, who were down stairs."

But he was a Vicomte and is the last of his line; and I wanted the ghosts to explain to me so much that I have never learned." The moonlight fell upon her sweet, pale, uplifted face. There were tears in her eyes that glittered like frost. But George, for all his love, showed a little masculine impatience. "Reserve is very good," he said; "but we can't all be Lord Burleighs by holding our tongues.

There is somewhat touching in the madness with which the passing age mischooses the object on which all candles shine, and all eyes are turned; the care with which it registers every trifle touching Queen Elizabeth, and King James, and the Essexes, Leicesters, Burleighs, and Buckinghams; and let pass without a single valuable note the founder of another dynasty, which alone will cause the Tudor dynasty to be remembered, the man who carries the Saxon race in him by the inspiration which feeds him, and on whose thoughts the foremost people of the world are now for some ages to be nourished, and minds to receive this and not another bias.

It was exactly as at home: my lady took the lead, and everybody was under her orders. Bessie liked it for old custom's sake; Mrs. Cecil Burleigh stood a little at a loss, and asked, "What are we to do?" The Cecil Burleighs were not staying at the Villa Giulia they were at another hotel on the hill above and the Lucases, abroad on their wedding-tour, were at a villa on the edge of the lake.

Pickwick's were in a 'Pickwickian' one. If a generation of Knoxes and Mortons, Burleighs and Raleighs, shall ever arise again, one wonders by what name they will call the parliamentary morality and parliamentary courtesy of a generation which has meted out such measure to their ancestors' failings?