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The dinghy must have drifted in a little closer, for I made out behind the shadowy rail one, two, three figures in a row, looming bulkily above my head, as men appear enlarged in mist. "'Englishman, he says." "That's very likely," pronounced a new voice. They held a hurried consultation up there, of which I caught only detached sentences, and the general tone of concern.

"I don't want to run you in, but I will if you don't get out of here and shut that door. Or you might go down and call the cop on this block. He'll run you in for breaking Code 2762 of the Penal Law! Trespass and flotsam that's what it is!" Uneasy, frightened, then horrified, Mrs. Zapp swung bulkily about and slammed the door. Sick, guilty, banished from home though he felt, Mr.

Disenchantment lay in wait for him who strayed close enough to hear the wrangling in the cook-tent, however, or who followed Slim to where he slumped bulkily down into the shade of a willow fifty yards or so from camp a willow where Pink, Weary, Andy Green and Irish were lying sprawled and smoking comfortably. Slim grunted and moved away from a grass-hidden rock that was gouging him in the back.

Now go and dance with little Miss Seagrave, and don't worry about my trying to interfere." Grandcourt looked sullenly at him. "I'm sorry I spoke, now," he said. "I never know enough to hold my tongue to you." He turned bulkily on his heel and left the dining-hall.

Pettengill, in khaki riding breeches, flannel shirt, and the hat of her trade, towered bulkily as an admirable figure of wrath, one hand on her hip, one poising a quirt viciously aloft.

He was bulkily built, and I had conceived an unreasonable distaste for his puffy hands. His official air and oratorical manner were provoking. Harley sat in the chair which he had occupied during our last interview with Colonel Menendez in the library, and I had realized a realization which had made me uncomfortable that I was seated upon the couch on which the Colonel had reclined.

"I'd have been more surprised if you hadn't. Why, my grief! I know enough about human nature, I hope, to expect " "Churning?" The voice of Baumberger purred down to them. There he stood bulkily at the top of the steps, good-naturedly regarding them. "Mr.

And, in their friendship, he was happy; until he would chance to see his mate and his little son playing in wild ecstasy with a stick or ball, and would frisk bulkily over to join them. In a bare second or two, the demeanor of both showed him just what a grossly unwelcome interloper he was.

Happy Jack was fanning an incipient blaze in the sheet-iron stove with his hat, his face red and gloomy at the prospect of having to satisfy fifteen outdoor appetites with his amateur attempts at cooking. Behind the stove, writhing bulkily upon a hastily unrolled bed, lay Patsy, groaning most pitiably. "What the devil's the matter with that hot water?"

Just watch him a trifle and hand it to him good!" Sutton nodded and rose to his feet. Watch in hand, Hogarty vaulted the ropes, and Ogden, with a last whispered admonition, bundled up the bathrobe and scuttled from the ring. At that moment Young Denny's bulkily slender body was even more deceptive. Sutton, even when trained to his finest, would have outweighed him twenty pounds.