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Near to them is another province called Mus, Meridin, or Mardin, higher up the Tigris than Mosul, wherein grows great quantities of cotton, of which they make buckrams and other manufactures. This province is likewise subject to the Tartars. Baldach, or Bagdat, is a great city in which the supreme caliph formerly resided, who was pope of all the Saracens.

Lady Susan is, as everybody knows by referring to the 'British Bible, a daughter of the great and good Earl Bagwig before mentioned. She thinks everything belonging to her the greatest and best in the world. The first of men naturally are the Buckrams, her own race: then follow in rank the Scrapers.

She had a sensible face, now that I observed her naturally, as it were; and her hands, how I have agonized over those hands on the stage! all knuckles and exaggerated veins, clutching her dress as she sang, or, petrified, outstretched to Leonore's "Pourquoi ces larmes?" her hands were the hands of an honest, hard-working woman who buckrams her own skirts, and at need could scrub her own floor.

This manufacture from Mosul or Moxul, on the Tigris, must be carefully distinguished from the muslins of India, which need not be described. These buckrams seem to have been some coarse species of cotton cloth, in ordinary wear among the eastern nations. The word occurs frequently, in these early travels in Tartary, but its proper meaning is unknown E.