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The sky over Ratzeburg and all the east was a pure evening blue, while over the west it was covered with light sandy clouds. Hence a deep red light spread over the whole prospect, in undisturbed harmony with the red town, the brown-red woods, and the yellow-red reeds on the skirts of the lake.

Diana enjoyed her walk beneath the lingering brown-red of the frosty November sunset, with the scent of sand-earth strong in the air. 'I had to hire a chariot because there was no two-horse carriage, said Redworth, 'and I wished to reach Copsley as early as possible. She replied, smiling, that accidents were fated. As a certain marriage had been! The comparison forced itself on her reflections.

The explosion was a strange, though, during the fighting in the Mamund Valley, not an uncommon sight. A great cloud of thick brown-red dust sprang suddenly into the air, bulging out in all directions. The tower broke in half and toppled over. A series of muffled bangs followed. The dust-cloud cleared away, and nothing but a few ruins remained.

Dust had whitened their mustachios, and the heat had laid a brown-red varnish on their faces. Way was made for them, while Barto stood smoothing his forehead and staring at Checco. 'I see the very man! cried one of the officers quickly. 'Weisspriess, there's the rascal who headed the attack on me in Verona the other day. It's the same!

Diana enjoyed her walk beneath the lingering brown-red of the frosty November sunset, with the scent of sand-earth strong in the air. 'I had to hire a chariot because there was no two-horse carriage, said Redworth, 'and I wished to reach Copsley as early as possible. She replied, smiling, that accidents were fated. As a certain marriage had been! The comparison forced itself on her reflections.

Out of doors he wore a Westphalian cap, a close brown-velvet head with big brown velvet flaps down over his ears, so that he looked like a lop-eared rabbit, or a troll. His face was brown-red, with a dry, bright skin, that seemed to crinkle with his mobile expressions.

The head was covered with a small, pretty turban, wound round with gold chains, or gold lace; numerous thin tresses of hair stole from underneath, falling down to the hips. Unfortunately, many of them had the bad taste to dye their hair, by which its brilliant black was changed into an ugly brown-red.

However, you send me off to Paris alone; and you'll be alone and dull here in this London. Incomprehensible to me why! 'We are both wondering? said Aminta. 'You 're handsomer than when I met you first by heaven you are! She flushed her dark brown-red late-sunset. 'Brunes are exceptional in England. 'Thousands admiring you, of course! I know, my love, I have a jewel.

Her face was artistically painted; cheeks vermillion; lips browned, with an odoriferous composition; eye-lashes blackened with antimony; and on the forehead and tips of the chin little blue stars. The palms of the hands and nails were stained with henna, or brown-red, and her feet were naked, with the toe-nails and soles henna-stained.

They must find you in bed." "And you?" said Bertha. "I," cried Marie rapturously, "hasten to welcome our preserver!" The preserver was a peasant lad. Under the white dust his cheeks were burned a brown-red, his eyes, honest and blue, through much staring at the skies and at horizon lines, were puckered and encircled with tiny wrinkles.