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"I am in correspondence with Counsellor Browbeater, at the Castle, who, in addition to the glorious privilege of being, as he deserves to be, free of the Back Trot there, is besides a creature after my own heart.

You know not the large, the incredible large staff of Spies that we have at work, and believe me, when I tell you that if you make the proper disclosures to me I shall recommend you in the strongest terms to Browbeater, who will have you placed high upon the list of informers a respectable class of men, let me tell you, and extremely useful so that you will be well and liberally paid for your treachery, I mean that treachery which has amor patriae to justify it.

Browbeater, be rewarded for it! And may the day never come when he shall require to tread in the footsteps of the devil! Indeed, my lord, I cannot help crying amen to this, and adding, that the remembrance of his virtues may descend and reflect honor on his posterity, as, I have no doubt, they will do.

The government that could adopt such a tool as this Browbeater, would not scruple to violate the sanctity either of private life or public confidence, if it suited their interest nay, I question whether they would not be guilty of a felony itself, and open the very letters in the post-office, which are placed there under the sacred seal of public faith.

Sure, one Counsellor Browbeater, at the Castle, sir they say he's the Lord o' the Black Trot Lord save us whatever that is " "The Back Trot, Darby go on." "Well, sir, the Back Trot; but does that mean that he trots backwards, sir?" "Never mind, Darby, he'll trot anyway that will serve his own purposes go on, I tell you."

"Now, you scoundrel," said Val, "that you may labor under no mistake, I think it fair to tell you that Browbeater and I know everything about you, and all the Protean shapes you have gone through for the last three years, in different parts of the kingdom Now listen to me, you d d impostor; listen to me, I say you have it in your power to become a useful man to the present government.

With respect to Counsellor Browbeater, we have only to say, that the government of that period, having got out of him all the dirty work of which he was capable, felt extremely anxious to get rid of him as easily and safely as they could. Browbeater, however, who was a most insatiable leech, stuck to them, knowing that they could not well discharge him without a character.

We are both engaged in attempting to bring the Spy System to that state of perfection which we trust may place it on a level with that fine old institution, so unjustly abused, called the Inquisition. Browbeater is, indeed, an exceedingly useful man to the present government, and does all that in him lies, I mean out of his own beat, to prevent them from running into financial extravagance.

"Browbeater was right," said he; "you are here at full length in the Hue and Cry middle size of rather plausible carriage brown hair hazel eyes and a very knowing look the upper lip a good deal curled; which I see is the case; known to be in the possession of more money that ought to belong to a person in your condition and lastly, before you came here you were hawking high treason in the King's County, in the character of a ballad-singer and vagabond.

"Let us hear the calendar," said Hartley, "and got through the business as quickly as we can, secretary." "Is that Browbeater," asked Sir William, "who was engaged in the spy system a little before I returned from England a d d scandalous transaction." "The spy system, Sir William, is a very useful one to government," replied Val, "and they would be devilish fools if they did not encourage it."