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They don't want us much," admitted Hiram, slowly. "Then let's both go home," said Sister, sadly. "No. That wouldn't be serving Mr. Bronson or Lettie right. We were invited in good faith, I reckon, and the Bronsons haven't done anything to offend us. "But you and I'll go back there and dance together. You dance with me or with Henry; and I'll stick to the country girls.

We were to have three days at Luxor three days, when three months would have been too little! and the second attempt at abducting an ill-used lady from the harem of her treacherous lord would take place as soon as we could learn that our auxiliaries, the Bronsons, had arrived. Until they were on the spot, even a success might prove an anti-climax.

Somehow the trick had to be managed, however; for I must be in eastern Thebes, alias Luxor, on the day when the Bronsons' presence would render our second attempt at rescue feasible. I had to interview the chef a formidable person hypnotizing him and the stewards to work my will, and above all, I had to make sure of boats and donkeys for the party at short notice.

To abandon once and forever the duckling simile, the first thing I did on board the boat, after recovering from the excitement of seeing Mabel off by train with the Bronsons, was to wonder how I could make up for all this hideous waste of time when I might have been making love to Biddy. But there was no chance to say anything personal to her that night.

There they inconveniently remained in the Temple of Mut, looking twice as large as life. "What if I tell them they've seen everything?" I muttered. "They haven't, but that's a detail. If I could rush 'em all back to the boat and you with them, of course, and get Mabella Hanem and the Bronsons off safely, I could go look for Anth for Antoun.

Lorry had ridden to Jason, delivered his reports to the office, and received instructions to ride to the southern line of the reservation. He would be out many days. He had brought down a pack-horse, and he returned to camp late that night with provisions and some mail for the Bronsons. The next day he delayed starting until Dorothy had appeared.

Monny broke in, when I had taken Brigit's hint, and was beginning to say that we must go and speak to the Bronsons. "He hasn't come yet," I answered; and then her eyes, too, began to implore. "Not come yet? But it's a long time. We found Mr. and Mrs. Bronson outside, hoping for us to arrive, and we talked to them and introduced Mabel, and explained things.

"You'll have to hurry and dress, Harold," she said eagerly; "we're going to the Bronsons'." He nodded. "It doesn't take me long to dress, dear," and, his words trailing off, he walked on into the library. Evylyn's heart clattered loudly. "Harold " she began, with a little catch in her voice, and followed him in. He was lighting a cigarette.

I felt myself overflowing with a sudden, new tenderness for the Set, so often troublesome. This that was going to happen unless we could stop it was in truth the affair of Monny and Brigit, Mabella Hanem and the Bronsons, Anthony Fenton and me; but all would be involved, the innocent with the guilty, unless very quickly the duffer of the company could think of some way out.

Imperceptibly the dull-hued mesas became fresh carpeted with green across which the wind bore a subtly soft fragrance of sun-warmed spruce and pine. To Lorry the coming of the Bronsons was like the return of old friends. Although he had known them but a short summer season, isolation had brought them all close together.