United States or Barbados ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The boys hauled the equipment down to the beach in Rick's old coaster wagon, modified for carrying equipment, then directed the girls to check the regulators, check the tanks, and connect regulators to tanks preparatory to diving. They lolled on the beach and watched. Scotty grinned. "This is the life. Tony Briotti tells me it's always this way in primitive societies.

"There'll probably be a whole horde of mermaids guarding the treasure, not to mention half a dozen sea monsters." Tony Briotti said, "There's one mermaid I wish were with us, and that's Barby. After all, she started this whole thing. Too bad she has to miss out."

Dad was worried because he hadn't heard from Tony Briotti and Howard Shannon, but that was probably just the slowness of mail. Barby urged them to hurry back and hoped they were finding life dull enough so they would. She and Jan needed instruction in sailing, because they had just bought a new Comet-class sailboat.

"Better see about the one upstairs," he advised. "I'll watch this one." "I fired at his hand, but I was high," Scotty told him. "He got it in the shoulder. He won't get far." Zircon and Briotti charged around the corner of the hotel in pajamas and slippers, followed by other guests and members of the hotel staff. "We had a little trouble," Rick explained briefly.

"Plenty of vegetation," Briotti remarked. "Probably palms, perhaps some mangrove," Zircon agreed. "Take us down for a closer look, Rick." Rick obliged by standing the Sky Wagon up on a wing and sliding down as quickly as safe flying allowed. He, too, wanted a closer look. He cast a glance at his gas gauge.

He would circle the island once or twice, then head again for Charlotte Amalie on the island of St. Thomas. Scotty asked, "Where does the word 'cay' come from, anyway?" Tony Briotti answered. "It's from the Spanish, Scotty. It means island, or islet. However, the Spanish got it from the Taino people, who were the Indians of the Antilles."

The scientists took in the situation at a glance. "As I said," Tony Briotti muttered. "Adventure-prone. And lucky! How do you beat a combination like that?" The Warning Steve Ames walked into the hotel dining room accompanied by a young Navy lieutenant. He spotted the boys immediately and waved. Rick breathed a sigh of relief. "There he is."

While Tony Briotti began preparations for dinner, the boys carried their aqualung equipment to the shed at the rear of the cottage and began to check it over. Since their lives would depend on proper functioning of the equipment, they inspected the regulators carefully, checking the condition of the neoprene flaps.

When your party split in two, he decided to stay with you instead of Zircon and Briotti. There could be two reasons: First, you were the ones who contacted Steve on the street. Second, you stayed at the waterfront while the others went off in a taxi. I like the second reason better because of what happened later. How about you, Steve?" "I'm with you. Go ahead." "Well, at this point I get lost.

"We steamed up to the island and sent a boat ashore, with Professor Zircon. Dr. Briotti had seen us approach, and he met the boat. He told us you were diving. Zircon had assumed as much since we could see your boat anchored on the reef." "I told them about last night," Tony added. "Yes, and we sent a party of men to the house up the beach to capture these fancy frogmen of yours.