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"Tell me where you found it," she said. I told her. "Oh, the savages! They took it from him " My opportunity had come. "No," I said, "it appears they did not take it from him." "Then how " I waited a moment. "The letter," I said, looking full at her, "was given up to the warder of the prison by the son of Doctor Briga." She stared, repeating the words slowly. "The son of Doctor Briga?

But does innate character ever change so radically that the lad who has committed a base act at fifteen may grow up into an honorable man? A good man may be corrupted by life, but can the years turn a born sneak into a hero? You may fancy how I answered my own questions....If Briga had been false and cowardly then, was he not sure to be false and cowardly still?

The Tua may mean the 'gushing' river, and the Ave recalls the many Avons. Ebora, now Evora, is very like the Roman name of York, Eboracum. Briga, too, the common termination of town names in Roman times as in Conimbriga Condeixa a Velha or Cetobriga, near Setubal in Celtic means height or fortification.

Pepperills on there own acct. and risque, in and upon the good Briga called the William, whereof is master under God for this present voyage George King, now riding at anchor in the river Piscataqua and by God's grace bound to Barbadoes." Here follows a catalogue of the miscellaneous cargo, rounded off with: "And so God send the good Briga to her desired port in safety. Amen."

Taking heart, therefore, and buying a piece of grey-stone, two braccia and a half in length, which he took to his house on the Canto alla Briga, Piero began to work at it in the evenings, after returning from his labours, at night, and on feast-days, insomuch that little by little he brought it to completion.

He was evidently in the prison with his father at the time of my poor brother's death. Emilio perhaps guessed that he was a friend or perhaps appealed to him because he was young and looked kind. But don't you see how dangerous it would have been for Briga to bring this letter to us, or even to hide it in his father's house?

"Ah, it takes one brave man to understand another." Perhaps I winced a little at being thus coupled with her hero; at any rate, some last impulse of resistance made me say: "I should be quite convinced, if Briga had only spoken of the letter afterward. If brave people understand each other, I cannot see why he should have been afraid of telling you the truth."

Her drawing-room was the centre of the Piedmontese party, yet so clever was she in averting suspicion that more than one hunted conspirator hid in her house, and was helped across the Alps by her agents. Briga relied on her as he did on no one else; but he did not love her, and she knew it. Still, she was young, she was handsome, and he loved no one else: how could she give up hoping?

"To thinking that Signor Briga could have begun his career as a patriot by betraying a friend." I had brought her to the test at last, but my eyes shrank from her face as I spoke. There was a dead silence, which I broke by adding lamely: "But no doubt Signor Briga could explain." She lifted her head, and I saw that my triumph was to be short.

Incriminating papers were smuggled into people's houses they were condemned to death on the paid evidence of brigands and galley-slaves. The families of the revolutionists were under the closest observation and were shunned by all who wished to stand well with the government. If Briga had been seen going into our house he would at once have been suspected.