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After that, organization for mutual profit and protection against the minions of the money power, for makin' our influence felt in elections, for extendin' a helpin' hand to honest toil, for rousin' our bretheren from their lethargy, which, like a leaden pall " "I want to know," growled Bowersox, with sullen obstinacy, "what's to be done."

But he wouldn't promise me no further than to talk with the bretheren, and I had to leave him with that promise. As things turned out afterwuds, I wuz sorry, sorry es a dog that I didn't shet up Deacon Garven in his own smoke house, or cause him to be shet, and mount a guard over him, armed nearly to the teeth with clubs. But I didn't, and I relied some on the bretheren.

Sez I, "Will you promise me not to ring the bells to-morrow mornin'; if he gets into any sleep at all durin' the 24 hours, it is along in the mornin', and I think if we could keep him asleep, say all the forenoon, there would be a chance for him. Will you promise me?" "Wall," sez he kinder meltin' down a little, "I will talk with the bretheren."

And anon I see a stir round the preacher's stand that made me know the speaker of the day, the great Revivalist and Temperance worker had come. And most immegiately a tall figger passed through the crowd that made way for him reverentially. There wuz a smile and a good look on his face for all the bretheren round him, some like a benediction, only less formal.

But I still wuz dubersome and sez, "Mebby it would end by our shufflin' off our mortal coils, as Mr. Shakespeare tells on." And he went on, "It would be a very stylish and genteel ride. I'd love to tell brother Gowdey about it. The bretheren will expect it of me as a live progressive Jonesvillian minglin' here with the noblest in the land to cut sunthin' of a dash."

And all the other male bretheren said the same thing they had got to git to get home to get to work. But some on 'em did have lots of work on their hands, I couldn't dispute it. Why, Deacon Henzy, besides all his cares about the buzz saw mill, and his farm work, had bought a steam threshin' machine that made him sights of work. It was a good machine.

Now to sum it up," sez he, with some the mean of a preacher or, ruther, a exhauster "to sum the matter all up, the words 'bretheren, 'laymen, etc., always means wimmen so fur as this: punishment for all offenses, strict obedience to the rules of the church, work of any kind and all kinds, raisin' money, givin' money all that is possible, teachin' in the Sabbath school, gettin' up missionary and charitable societies, carryin' on the same with no help from the male sect leavin' that sect free to look after their half of the meanin' of the word sallerys, office, makin' the laws that bind both of the sexes, rulin' things generally, translatin' Bibles to suit their own idees, preachin' at 'em, etc., etc.

Josiah stood ready to pay the ten cents apiece to give us the pleasure of a ride. But I declined the treat. I sez, "We don't ride the old mair hoss back to home, and I don't hanker after bein' histed up onto a camel's hump, or to see you in that perilous poster." He said he'd love to tell the bretheren we'd rid 'em, but seein' I wuz sot agin it he gin up.

Now to sum it up," sez he, with some the mean of a preacher or, ruther, a exhauster "to sum the matter all up, the words 'bretheren, 'laymen, etc., always means wimmen so fur as this: punishment for all offenses, strict obedience to the rules of the church, work of any kind and all kinds, raisin' money, givin' money all that is possible, teachin' in the Sabbath school, gettin' up missionary and charitable societies, carryin' on the same with no help from the male sect leavin' that sect free to look after their half of the meanin' of the word sallerys, office, makin' the laws that bind both of the sexes, rulin' things generally, translatin' Bibles to suit their own idees, preachin' at 'em, etc., etc.

We wuz workin' jest as hard as wimmen ever worked and all of the wimmen who wuzn't engaged in scourin' and moppin' wuz a-settin' round in the pews a-workin' hard on articles for the fair when all of a suddin the outside door opened and in come Josiah Allen with 3 of the other men bretheren.