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The exclamation directed itself at a one-car train which came thundering down the canyon to pull in on the siding beyond the Rosemary. The car was a passenger coach, well-lighted, and from his post on the embankment Adams could see armed men filling the windows. Michael Branagan saw them, too, and the fighting Celt in him rose to the occasion.

The idea of colonization, however, was not confined to the southern slaveholders, for Thornton, Fothergill, and Granville Sharp had long looked to Africa as the proper place for enlightened people of color. Feeling that it would be wrong to expatriate them, Benezet and Branagan advocated the colonization of such Negroes on the public lands west of the Alleghanies.

"Yis, Phadrick, I'll illusthrate your intellects by divinity. You see, Phadrick, you're to suppose me to be in the chair, as confessor. Very well, or valde, in the larned languages Parra Ghastha comes to confess to me, an' tells me that Barny Branagan wants to be paid for his goats. I tell him it's a disputed point, an that the price o' the goats must go to the church.

"Says he, 'Hut tut, Branagan, says I 'you're drunk. 'That's the thing, sir' says Branagan, 'and I want to explain it all to your Reverence. 'Well, said I, 'go on " "Gallus Gallinaceus, a dunghill cock "

"Mulcahey, take half the men and go up the grade till you can rake those fellows without hitting the car. Branagan, you take the other half and go down till you can cross-fire with Mulcahey. Aim low, both of you; and the man who fires before he gets the word from me will break his neck at a rope's end. Fall in!" "By Jove!" said Adams. "Are you going to resist? That spells felony, doesn't it?"

We'll feed you wid whay enough, bekase we've made up our minds to stale lots o' sweet milk for you. Ned Branagan an' I will milk Kody Hartigan's cows to-night, wid the help o' God. Divil a bit sin in it, so there isn't, an' if there is, too, be my sowl there's no harm in it any way for he's but a nager himself, the same Rody.

"So, Captain, I was just after coming out of Widow Moylan's it was in the Lammas fair and a large one, by the by, it was so, sir, who should come up to me but Branagan. 'Well, Branagan, said I, 'how does the world go now with you? " "Gallus Gallinaceus, a dunghill cock " "Says he. 'And how is that? says I. "Gallus Gallinaceus "

"Perhaps I shall give you back that word before we are through, Mr. Darrah," he snapped. Then to the eddying mob-wave: "Tools up, boys. We camp here for breakfast. Branagan, send the Two-fifteen down for the cook's outfit." The Rajah dropped his cigar butt in the snow and trod upon it. "Possibly you will faveh us with your company to breakfast in the Rosemary, Misteh Winton you and Misteh Adams.

Now, Phadrick, you quadruped, the case of conscience is, whether Parra Ghastha has a right to make restitution to Barny Branagan for the loss of his goats, or Barny Branagan to Parra Ghastha for the loss of his mare?" "Bedad, that's a puzzler!" "Isn't it, Phadrick? But wait till you hear how he'll clear it up! Do it for Phadrick, Dinny."

He also wrote several longer novels, of which the best is Fardorougha the Miser , a work of great power. Others are The Misfortunes of Barny Branagan , Valentine M'Clutchy , Rody the Rover , The Squanders of Castle Squander , and The Evil Eye. C. received a pension of £200 from Government.