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The larger tendon inserts to the summit of the trochanter major of the femur and corresponds to the biceps brachii in the action of the latter on the scapulohumeral joint, except that the gluteus medius, in attaching to the femoral trochanter, exerts its effect as a lever of the first class.

Bell strain of the biceps brachii is a frequent cause of lameness in city horses, more frequent than is generally supposed. Pathological Anatomy. More or less destruction of the cartilaginous portion of the bursa, sometimes involving the tendinous portion of the biceps, takes place and, according to Moller, in some instances there occurs ossification of the tendon.

There being loss of function of the triceps brachii, it is impossible for the subject to straighten the leg in the normal position for supporting weight; therefore, any attempt to bear weight results in further flexion of the affected member and the animal will fall if the body is not suddenly caught up with the sound leg. Differential Diagnosis.

"If the advocation be passed," he wrote to Cassalis, "or shall now at any time hereafter pass, with citation of the king in person, or by proctor, to the court of Rome, or with any clause of interdiction or excommunication, vel cum invocatione brachii sæcularis, whereby the king should be precluded from taking his advantage otherwise, the dignity and prerogative royal of the king's crown, whereunto all the nobles and subjects of this realm will adhere and stick unto the death, may not tolerate nor suffer that the same be obeyed.

However, radial paralysis is encountered following injury to the nerve occasioned by its being stretched, as in cases where the triceps brachii is unduly extended in restraining subjects by means of a casting harness.

A synovial bursa is situated underneath the tendinous attachment of the posterior portion of the triceps brachii the long head or caput magnum. The function of the triceps as a whole is to flex the shoulder joint and extend the forearm. The triceps brachii is the chief antagonist of the biceps brachii. Etiology and Occurrence.

After-care consists in restriction of exercise and, if necessary, confining the subject in a sling and the application of a vesicant over the scapulohumeral region. Inflammation of the Bicipital Bursa. Anatomy. This synovial bursa forms a smooth groove through which the biceps brachii glides in the anterior scapulohumeral region.

This I measure that I may know the growth of nails; the whole is about five eighths of an inch. Another of the same kind appears, 'Aug. 7, 1779, Partem brachii dextri carpo proximam et cutem pectoris circa mamillam dextram rasi, ut notum fieret quanta temporis pili renovarentur. And, 'Aug. 15, 1773.

As the triceps brachii is not particularly taxed during weight bearing in the subject at rest, there may be no unnatural position assumed during inflammation of the triceps.

Patients are best given a long rest at pasture and returned to work for two or three months after an acute attack of inflammation of the bursa, lest the condition become chronic. When due consideration is given the pathology of such cases, the frequent unsatisfactory termination under the most careful treatment, is readily understood. Contusions of the Triceps Brachii. Anatomy.