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The luncheons were divested of their newspaper wrappings and spread over the ends of tables, on discarded box-lids held across the knees in fact, any place convenience or sociability dictated. Then followed a friendly exchange of pickles and cake.

The continuous blows shifted the box-lids and sledge-runners so that the canvas sagged down and accumulated water. Then icy trickles, distinct from the driving sprays, poured fore and aft into the boat. The nails that the carpenter had extracted from cases at Elephant Island and used to fasten down the battens were too short to make firm the decking.

Challenge him!" clamoured the little waves riddling down through the tail-race. "As well now as later. Take him up!" The main mass of the Waters plunging on the Wheel shocked that well-bolted structure almost into box-lids by saying: "Very good. Tell us what you suppose yourself to be doing at the present moment."

Then he blew in his thimble, sucked his finger, so that they might adhere tightly together, and looked about for a subject for opening conversation, while Sylvia and her mother might be heard opening and shutting drawers and box-lids before they could find the articles that needed repair, or that were required to mend each other.

The name of an exclusive outfitter was on the box-lids and wrappers. Rosamond looked up smiling at Patricia. She seemed to have forgotten that there had been any coolness between them. "Come and help me select some of these things, Miss Pat," she said amiably. And Patricia was instantly ashamed of her resentment.

We bent to open the boxes; Magdalen Brant and Dorothy Varick, each resting a hand on my shoulder to steady them, peeped curiously down to see. And, "Oh!" cried everybody, as the lifted box-lids discovered snow-white pigeons sitting on great gilt eggs.

He had not sufficient wood to provide a deck, but by using the sledge- runners and box-lids he made a framework extending from the forecastle aft to a well. It was a patched-up affair, but it provided a base for a canvas covering.

That's your factory system for you! And think of the things they produce. Chocolate boxes full of sweets! There was one girl who spent the whole of her working days in pasting photographs of grinning chorus girls on to box-lids. I should go mad if I had to look at that soppy grin all day long...." Mrs. Graham murmured gently, but her words were not audible.

Then he blew in his thimble, sucked his finger, so that they might adhere tightly together, and looked about for a subject for opening conversation, while Sylvia and her mother might be heard opening and shutting drawers and box-lids before they could find the articles that needed repair, or that were required to mend each other.

They say I'm a pretty hard fellow, but that's on the outside. Now, hustle out of your suits, and we'll give you all a good stew and a rub-down." What the stew was soon appeared plain to Ken. He was the first player undressed, and Murray, lifting up one of the box-lids, pushed Ken inside. "Sit down and put your feet in that pan," he directed. "When I drop the lid let your head come out the hole.