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She had sweet peas in her hair, and at her belt. The husband had a boutonniere of them. Next morning, Carberry. Bade an elaborate farewell to the Sweet Pea Lady. She is going straight to the coast where they catch steamer for Japan. Praise be to Allah! I shall see her no more. The heavy polite is wearing. Next day, Banff Hot Springs. First person on the hotel steps I see is the S.P. Lady.

They now select new partners, to whom they present the bouquet and boutonniere, the lady attaching the boutonniere to the gentleman's coat. They perform a tour de valse with their new partners. Repeated by all the couples. But the cheap, light, fantastic things are the best, and contribute more to the amusement of the company. Some of the figures of the German border on the romp.

He bore no surface signs of the wear and tear of a witches' night; riding his runaway play and fighting the enchantment that was upon him. Elastic twenty-seven does not mark a bedless session with violet arcs below its eyes; what violet a witch had used upon Stewart Canby this morning appeared as a dewey boutonniere in the lapel of his new coat; he was that far gone.

Confound him, he took that very instant to hold the lantern up to my face again, and caught me grinning like a Cheshire cat. I hurried to my room and brushed myself up a bit. On my bureau, in a glass of water, there was a white boutonniere, rather clumsily constructed and all ready to be pinned in the lapel of my coat. I confess to a blush.

A faint, sarcastic smile curved his lips, and in his pale eyes there was no hint of trouble or fear merely a look of tolerant, half-contemptuous amusement. Immaculate in his dinner-coat and fresh boutonnière, his bearing superb in his ease and condescension, he presented a picture of elegance. Blaine glanced about the rich, somber den before he replied. "I'm not playing any game, Mr. Rockamore.

She stuck a scrap of paper in the side of Penelope's mirror. "There's that account of Mr. Stanton's ranch. You'll want to read it, I presume." She laid a withered boutonniere on the bureau beside the pin. "There's his button-hole bouquet. He left it by his plate, and I stole it." She had a pine-shaving fantastically tied up with a knot of ribbon, in her hand.

For nature in the richness and abundance of her endowment of this portentous personage has made him not only the greatest man in the House of Commons, but also the handsomest. He was dressed in the solemn black frock coat which he always wears on great occasions, and in his buttonhole there was a beautiful little boutonnière of white roses and lilies of the valley.

She understood that Mary associated the color with Ottenburg's BOUTONNIERE. She pointed to the water pitcher, she had nothing else big enough to hold the flowers, and made Mary put it on the window sill beside her. After Mary was gone Thea locked the door. When the landlady knocked, she pretended that she was asleep. She lay still all afternoon and with drowsy eyes watched the roses open.

"H'm," said Susan Bates, "I'll remember it." The men, meanwhile, sat round the dining-room table. Marshall smoked with the others and tried to forget his boutonniere the first he had ever worn. "I shall make them very small and unobtrusive," Susan Bates had said; "only a dozen violets." Marshall noticed that Bates had put his flowers into his right-hand button-hole, and Bingham his into his left.

"Well, I'll make the usual excuses for you. Good-by," and not forgetting to pick up his walking stick with his hat, he ran off on his way to the florist's for the boutonniere that must go on before he presented himself at the Parrotts' dinner party.