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He knew perfectly that I recommended nothing of the sort, and he must have been very angry to indulge in this boutade. He told me that other people did n't think as I did that every one was of the opinion that between a woman he did n't love and a woman he had adored for years it was a plain moral duty not to hesitate. "Don't hesitate then!"

If all the admirers of these two books would but bestir themselves and look into the matter, I am sure that Sterne's only too clever assault would be relegated to its proper place and assessed at its right value as a mere boutade.

'It is said', thus Erasmus concludes his boutade, 'that no one can understand the mysteries of this science who has had the least intercourse with the Muses or the Graces. All that you have learned in the way of bonae literae has to be unlearned first; if you have drunk of Helicon you must first vomit the draught.

Meantime his affairs at home went upside down, and his two brothers had a wretched time, where his first boutade was to kick both their wives one morning out of doors, and his own too, and in their stead gave orders to pick up the first three strollers could be met with in the streets.

My third appearance at the Comedie resulted in the following boutade from the pen of the same Sarcey: L'Opinion Nationale, September 12: "The same evening Les Femmes Savantes was given. This was Mlle. Bernhardt's third debut, and she assumed the role of Henriette. This performance was a very poor affair, and gives rise to reflections by no means gay. That Mlle.

Cross! You know how stupid I was last night? The coming storm well it was a silly note, and you will return it." "Oh, of course, if you wish me to," she answered carelessly, but clenching her hands. "C'est une boutade comme une autre!" He laughed again. His spirits were flying upwards like those of a criminal unexpectedly reprieved. "Yes just a fad. Hi, cabbee, stop here, will you?"

As to French visitors, it was unlikely that they could make out its meaning, and if they did, as it did not concern them, they would consider it as a humorous boutade. After a fortnight, however, I begged my husband to remove the "notice;" but his anger had not cooled a bit, and he said in a tone that I knew to admit of no opposition that the "notice" was meant to remain there permanently.